Mar 31

Yellow Flower Hill Uprising could be the most significant event in our time. The following is written by Bai Ding, my high school classmate. I have his permission to publish it here. Bai is the descendant of one of the patriots. I bet this history event is written differently in China, Taiwan and even Hong Kong, so feel free to express your point of view. The two poems in Chinese are written by Bai.
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Mar 31

ATTN: Bloggers and Travelers Alike

Written by: guest | Filed under:-guest-posts | No Comments » newest

The World of Chinese magazine is seeking potential contributors to its Travel Section, On the Road. Entries must be intelligent and humorous.

We are a three year publication funded by the Chinese Commercial Press and based out of Beijing. We seek to offer readers insight into China by exploring its vast landscapes, deep-rooted culture, and current unprecedented growth. Our team of native Chinese speakers and seasoned journalist offer an outlook from both native and foreign perspectives. We also place a particular emphasis on studying the Chinese language; throughout our pages you will find mini language lessons ranging from beginner to advanced levels.

In order to be published in our magazine please provide us with detailed accounts of your trips through China.

Contact Robert Livingston at recondite28@gmail.com for more details and some samples from previous issues.

Thank you for your time. And all the best.

The World of Chinese

Mar 29

A week or so ago, in one of the final classes of the fourth year history seminar on Christianity in China that I am currently taking, the professor, in an apparent effort to coax us into some critical thinking, posed these questions; “Did Christianity become a Chinese religion? And if so, when and how did this happen?” The answers that we came up with in class included when the first Chinese person converted to Christianity, when the first independent churches (meaning churches that were not controlled by foreign missionaries) were established, and when Christianity was indigenized (meaning transformed by existing factors in Chinese culture to create a form of Christianity unique to China).
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Mar 29

In light of the mega attention and millions of yuans that chinese government use to establish a new holiday in Tibet “Serf Emancipation Day”, and advertise this around the world, clever Tibetan youth in Tibet created the following cartoon: “Surf Emancipation Day: 50 years of harmonious oppression”.


smurf chinese-1.jpg

Mar 27

In response to Steve’ question on what is the difference between Chinese version of capitalism and American version of capitalism, I think there are many.  The most important, I think, is the respective role of government, market in running / in governing the economy.  Another important aspect, I think, is the goal of economic prosperity.  China takes a more “holistic,” perhaps results-oriented  view to economic prosperity whereas America tend to take (historically at least) a more “individualistic,” equal-opportunity point of view. Continue reading »

Mar 27

Friday Musings on China’s Bad Press in the West

Written by: bianxiangbianqiao | Filed under:Analysis, media, News, politics | 79 Comments » newest

I have been thinking about two questions about China’s image in the Western Media (AKA “international public opinion”).

Question 1: Why is China portrayed as either collapsing (“this time it’s over for China”, “chaos”) or menacing (the “China threat”) so prevalently (despite notable exceptions)? Why these particular traits?

Question 2: How should the Chinese (在朝和在野的中国人) react to their national image in the “international public opinion”? Particularly, what should we do about our “bad press”? Continue reading »

Mar 27

I think Chinese leaders are among the tamest leaders in the world.

Despite being called “butchers of Beijing” (or much worse),  constantly being maligned by a maniacal Western press, and even having one of its own be the target of a shoe throwing protester, leaders from the CCP continue to consistently keep up their cordial and composed demeanor. Continue reading »

Mar 25

Recently a friend asked for help with the etymology of the word 危险。   She’s writing her thesis on the edge that artists have when they skillfully play with “danger.”  Her whole thesis revolves around the concept of Danger in art and all her professors keep telling her that 危险 has a different connotation in Chinese than danger does in English.  So she needs someone to help her to figure out what 危险originally means in Chinese.  Continue reading »

Mar 24

In our Dalai Lama Warns of Looming Violence thread, Wukailong linked to this essay covering three political scenarios that China might face in the year 2020. The author, Cheng Li is Senior Fellow at the John L. Thornton China Center of the Brookings Institution and William R. Kenan Professor of Government at Hamilton College. His summary is as follows:

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Mar 21

“A mechanical engineer at Purdue University has one-upped the Segway guys with a hands-free scooter that uses the principles of Tai Chi, the ancient Chinese martial art, to keep you from falling on your face.”

Original article can be found here.


Mar 20

I have not done any research in writing this post, but I hope that does not detract us from having a vigorous and good discussion here.

In our recent Chinese Nationalism thread, Shane9219 started a discussion on a just released movie relating to the Nankin Massacre.

This got people discussing what the lessons of Nazi and Japanese Aggressions in WWII were. Continue reading »

Mar 20

Death penalty in China

Written by: guest | Filed under:-guest-posts | 7 Comments » newest

Today, I found out from talk radio that our dear Governor of New Mexico had signed a bill to repeal death penalty. It upsets me greatly.
But it got me thinking, what is the death penalty like in China?
A caller yesterday called into the same talk radio station, mentioned something about Chinese court in Shanghai would try you on Friday and if found guilty execute you on Saturday. I don’t think this was an accurate depiction.
What is the correct process? And under what crimes the death penalty should be applied?

P.S I am all for Death penalty against murderers, psycho paths, pedophiles and cop killers

Mar 17

Since the Olympics torch relay last year, much have been written about Chinese nationalism (see, e.g., this time article, this newsweek article, this new yorker article) – often in a negative (and unfair) light.

Earlier today, we at foolsmountain ran across a more thoughtful, subdued but perhaps equally critical view of Chinese nationalism – written from an immigrant’s perspective. In this wall street journal op ed, Ms. Ying Ma, an American educated Chinese American, wrote: Continue reading »

Mar 17

In a previous thread, Steve asked why, with so much material improvement in Tibet region shown by MAJ, the Chinese government still can’t win Tibetan’s heart? I have been asking the same question too.

Following recent MAJ’s comments, I came across this article ‘Reflections on Tibet‘ by Wang Lixiong published in 2002. Wang Lixiong is the writer of ‘Roadmap of Tibetan Independence’ published last year. In the article, Wang Lixiong “considers some of the bitter paradoxes of Tibetan history under Communist rule, and their roots in the confrontation of an alien bureaucracy and fear-stricken religion”. It’s worth pointing out that the original article 西藏问题的文化反思 was published in Chinese in 2001 and therefore we need to be careful how relevant it is to today’s Tibet issue.
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Mar 16

There’s a new phenomenon sweeping China. Back in January on a Chinese web page, a new video made its way from there into the hearts of internet users all across the country, spawning a wave of related items such as cartoons, documentaries and grass-mud horse dolls.

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Mar 16

Casually browsing through the internet I stumbled over this article about plug in hybrid cars. Here is the link


The article compares the relative costs and advantages of plug in hybrid vehicles respect to conventional gas powered vehicles.

The article makes some major claims about energy resource consumption and pollution, that when translated to CH would have a greater impact that in the US, mainly:

  • Powering a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) would cost the equivalent of roughly 75 cents per gallon of gasoline—a price not seen at the pump for 30 years.
  • 52% of US oil imports could be spared.
  • three-quarters of the country’s current small vehicle fleet could be charged by our existing electrical grid without building new power plants.
  • Reduction of greenhouse gases from 3.4 to 10.3 billion tons.

Some of the major promise of (PHEV) can, of course, only be achieved if certain conditions hold.

  • Average daily displacement within range of vehicle batteries
  • Hybrid vehicle able to be propelled by electric engine only
  • Increase electric load would not mean an increased pollution of coal fired power plants or could be taken by renewable non polluting energy sources: Solar, wind power and hydro power(non polluting?).

Which type of vehicle would provide the greatest economic and envriomental advantages when substitured by its equivalent PEHV?

  • Personal cars
  • Taxis
  • Trucks
  • Public buses

Given the rapid growth on car ownership, trucks on the road, industrial and traffic generated pollution in CH main cities, population density, etc. Could be CH the PHEV paradise?

What do you think?

Mar 15


Written by: sophie | Filed under:-chinese-posts, -guest-posts | No Comments » newest


Mar 14

Reading TonyP4’s comment this morning on the Numbers as Language thread, I noticed he used the acronym FOB meaning “Fresh Off Boat”. That reminded me of my Taiwan days and especially Catherine, one of the gals at my office in Hsinchu who was one of the funniest people with one of the driest wits I’ve ever encountered. She seemed to have an acronym for everything! So I thought it’d be fun for everyone to share the ones they know. I’ll start it off: “That stupid MBA made a pass at an MIT while married to an ABC. He’s just an IBM anyway.”

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Mar 14

Thu, March 12 2009

At the food court in Vancouver’s Sinclair Centre, a young well-dressed Asian woman was last week handing out glossy leaflets promoting something called the Divine Performing Arts, or DPA.

She spoke softly, explaining to those who took her yellow pamphlets that the show, which is slated to hit a Vancouver stage next month, is about China’s culture and heritage. Continue reading »

Mar 13

minipost-Numbers as Language

Written by: berlinf | Filed under:-mini-posts, language | Tags:,
40 Comments » newest

NPR once broadcasted an interview talking about why Asian students are better at math (if I can be excused) . The speaker explained that in these mostly agricultural societies, the mindset is you reap how much you plant, hence their greater commitment. In America, there is more emphasis on “working smart” than “working hard”. Translated into educational jargon, he is saying that time on task still makes a difference. Continue reading »

Mar 12

I came across this opinion piece recently and thought it might engender a good discussion among us. I don’t agree with the author’s conclusions at all and will give my critique after his article. We’ve discussed China’s relationship with the “West” on numerous threads, but we haven’t talked much about the relationships with her neighbors. India has come into our conversation not directly but only in random comments measuring the relative progress of both countries.

This opinion piece talks about Tibet as it relates to both China and India, bringing up historical disputes between the two countries and recent developments that the writer feels could portend future troubles. I realize very few will agree with his Tibetan historical perspective but we’ve gone over that in other threads so I’d like us to concentrate more on the present relationship between the two nations.

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