This is a follow-up to a post earlier this month, “A political prisoner in Sweden.” I promised to translate the text of the sentence from the original, and have finally finished proofreading and putting in comments.
Political Prisoner?
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“I am a moderate adviser” – Zhang Hong and the Hukou
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“China has suffered from the hukou system for so long. We believe people are born free and should have the right to migrate freely, but citizens are still troubled by bad policies born in the era of the planned economy and [now] unsuitable.”
However, after the editorial spread beyond its origins with those newspapers, Chinese censors apparently leapt into action (or were instructed to do so), and it was promptly removed from many websites. A special website set up by the Economic Observer to discuss hukou reform also disappeared. Furthermore, one of the co-writers of the editorial, Zhang Hong, was ousted from his position as deputy editor-in-chief from the Economic Observer’s website. It was also claimed that the Economic Observer received a warning from the CCP’s propaganda department. Continue reading »
minipost-Universal Rights as National Identity?
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minipost-Google – A New Approach to China
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“Alleyway in Hell” – a report on China’s black jails
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The majority of black jail detainees are petitioners-citizens from rural areas who come to Beijing and provincial capitals seeking redress for abuses ranging from illegal land grabs and corruption to police torture. Petitioners, as citizens who have done nothing wrong-in fact, who are exercising their legal right to complain of being wronged themselves-are often persecuted by government officials, who employ security forces and plainclothes thugs known as retrievers or jiefang renyuan, to abduct them, often violently, and then detain them in black jails. Plainclothes thugs often actively assist black jail operators and numerous analysts believe that they do so at the behest of, or at least with the blessing of, municipal police. Continue reading »
Association for Preserving Historical Accuracy of Foreign Invasions in China (APHAFIC)
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The mission of the Association is as follows:
Where in China is Xu Zhiyong?
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According to reports last week, the legal school and legislator Xu Zhiyong was led away by Police sometime on the morning of Wednesday 28th August. His whereabouts still seem to be unknown – his brother said that he had been charged with tax evasion.
It is hard to see how this isn’t linked to Xu’s work in helping people the State would prefer carried on with their lives like good little citizens, rather than pursue legal recourse against some sort of injustice/embarrassing matter that officials or local/central government would prefer to see the back of. But whatever the reason, this is not good for China’s future. Continue reading »
Chimerica: James Fallows & Niall Ferguson
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This is the full session between Niall Ferguson and James Fallows at the recently held Aspen Ideas Festival. Allen had posted excepts and we promised you the complete discussion as soon as it became available. Niall Ferguson had coined the term “Chimerica” to describe the symbiotic relationship between the economies of China and the United States. He currently sees this relationship as being in jeopardy, while James Fallows feels the relationship is far stronger the most realize. This video is slightly over 75 minutes.
Iran & China: Is World Press Coverage Similar or Different?
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1) Who are the good guys and who are the bad guys?
Based on the coverage I’ve seen, both governments were cast as being in the wrong and both protest movements as in the right. In the case of China, the government sent in tanks and used live ammunition to break up a protest movement that was alleged to have turned violent. Most of the reporters in the world press were located in or near the same area, and their reports reflected what occurred in that vicinity. Analyzes of this event in most cases pointed to the government as the culprit and the demonstrators as being victims and responding in a suitable fashion. Is this an accurate assessment? The Chinese government attempted to confiscate film of the event from foreign sources but those attempts were successfully evaded in most instances.
minipost-Letter: Mainland Han human rights lawyers defend Tibetan lama
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minipost-China in the Year 2020: Three Political Scenarios
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minipost-Hillary Clinton’s Successful First Visit to China as Secretary of State
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This trip is foremost about realism. Continue reading »
minipost-On the Mind-Numbing, Sensationalistic Use of Emotionally Charged Words in International Politics
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Recently, Israel railed against the Vatican when Cardinal Renato Martino, the president of the Council for Justice and Peace of the Vatican, characterized Gaza as a “concentration camp.” According to the NY Times: Continue reading »
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作者:magiczerg 文章发于:乌有之乡 点击数: 更新时间:2008-12-11
接下来我们看看病因。 照理说老病毒,我们应该早有免疫力,不应该害怕的,为什么政府又一次的讳莫如深呢?难道毛主席给我们民族注射的疫苗失效了?如果失效为什么会失效呢?我想我们的政府该反思一下了!资本主义在中国走不通是历史证明的了,为什么现在的善良的人们人们还总是一厢情愿的相信呢?政府一直以来摇摆不定,被走资派挟持,篡改历史的恶果出现了。现在走资派利用被篡改的历史去蒙蔽广大老百姓的时候,政府只好把长期以来对付正派(之所以不称左派的原因是个人觉得现在的右派是反动派,真正的右派在我们的所谓的“左派”中间,还没到显露的时候)的手段拿出来了,那就是封杀。就像纸里的火一样是封不得住,这样做只会把自己推向人民的对立端,成全了这帮畜生。唯一也是最正确的办法就是还原历史的真相,让人民自己认清它们丑恶的嘴脸。让人民了解真正的历史,让祖国的未来–青年人真正了解中国的历史,这样中华名族才能真正自信,自强。中华民族才能永远拒毒于体外。
The Partnership between Africa and China – a Force for Good or Evil?
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We’ve had impassioned discussions about Tibet this year. But the controversies surrounding China has not just been about Tibet – they have also been about Africa.
In anticipation of a series of posts on Africa, I thought I would put a few feelers out to see if people on this forum would be interested in discussing the topic, and if so, where people initially stand.
How Can China Learn from India?
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On Human Rights, Intervention and the International Order
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In Chinese society, such struggles are found in the stories and mythologies of 大禹 (Great Yu) taming the floods, 神農 (Shennong) inventing agriculture or the Monkey King’s rebellion against Heaven. Socio-politically, a central theme of Confucianism is the rights and duties of each member of society, from the peasant to that of the Emperor. Subsequently, 孟子 (Mencius) argued for the rights of the citizens to just rule, while later 王夫之 (Wang Fuzhi) favoured governing in the interest of the people (i.e. for the people) instead of for the benefit of the rulers. Continue reading »
minipost-Can democracy be the solution to Malaysia’s ethnic problems?
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Tony Blair’s New Op Ed on China in the Wall Street Journal
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Why are the Chinese so upset about the Western human rights activists and advocate journalists? Do not violate my Chinese feelings, or, rather, sensibilities.
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Why are the Chinese viscerally sickened by the following scenes from the Western media? Continue reading »
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