minipost-Xinhua: “China-ASEAN free trade area starts operation”
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minipost-Copenhagen Agreement
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minipost-Global Warming or Global Fussing?
minipost-An 1833km pipeline for regional peace
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minipost-Chinese-American Military Service Experience In Contrast – Who Am I Fighting For
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“Who Am I Fighting For” appeared in November 2008 issue of Siwen Times Digest, chronicled a Chinese graduate student’s entry into the Iraq war, and the deaths he witnessed on and off the battlefield:
Who Am I Fighting For – A Chinese American Soldier’s Diary
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minipost-Hu and Obama meeting, which issues are “core interests?”
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minipost-Ou, bummer! Now we have a real dispute between China and U.S.
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minipost-Chinese Copyright Protection in the Age of Digital Books, Creative Commons, Remixes, and Mashups
The United States has been a patient critic of Chinese copyright protection, but according to Wei Gu, columnist for Reuters, such calls for action has fallen on deaf ears (see: Copyright protection battle in China). The hope is that Chinese government and individuals realize themselves the importance of protection for intellectual property.
That day may come sooner than expected. Continue reading »
minipost-Understanding China geopolitically
- The statement “However — and this is the single most important fact about China — it has about one-third the arable land per person as the rest of the world. This pressure has defined modern Chinese history — both in terms of living with it and trying to move beyond it.” — understanding this will help one understand why the PRC leaders often talked about survival as one key elements of ‘human right”, they are serious about this, historically many people die (in fact, famine was commonplace in Chinese history) whenever there was upheaval (and vice versa).
- The geopolitical impreative that China needs to Maintain control of the buffer regions.(Mongolia, Xinjiang, Tibet, etc).
minipost-Happy Singles’ Day
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November 11th has now emerged as a new holiday dedicated to the singles in China. It essentially serves as an anti-Valentine’s Day, and is the Chinese equivalent of Singles Awareness Day (SAD), during which those unhappily unattached commiserate in their single status.
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minipost-Films are Powerful Connector Among Culturally Different People – AMBASSADOR OF TAIWAN
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minipost-Who Holds the Family Purse in China?
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But in the city at least, the power dynamics between men and women seems to be changing – at least on a family per family basis.
Here is an entertaining video from James Fallow on who holds the family purse in China? Continue reading »
minipost-How to more effectively brainwash others with your ideas
I think I have been guilty in committing almost all of the sins he has warn us against. I bet you will learn a lot more about yourself if you take time to read this article. While I don’t want to repeat any of his points, I thought I simply share his take on “Why debate at all?”
minipost-The folklore behind a Chinese antithetical couplet
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minipost-【风华国乐】 琵琶语 (Pi Pa Language) / 蒋彦 (琵琶) 林海 (作曲)
minipost-[Translation] The Chairman’s Clothes Can Not Be Patched?
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A day in the Summer of 1963, I went to Zhongnanhai’s laundry to fetch the Chairman’s clothes. The comrad at the laundry said the Chairman’s pajama is too old, can’t be washed, and is it time for new one? Few days later, I was eating with the Chairman. He was wearing the very pajama.
I said: “Chairman, time to change your pajama this year?”
The Chairman casually said: “The nation is going thru some difficulties, patching will do!”
I hushed a complaint: “But you’re the Chairman.”
“Oh, I’m the Chairman, Chairman’s closthes can’t be patched? Aren’t you wearing patched clothes?”
“Chairman, you and I are different.” I explained.
“How are we different, because I’m the Chairman? Aren’t I but one among the People?”
minipost-Intellectual Property Rights in China – business leads the way
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In mid-September the China Internet Video Anti-Piracy Alliance, a group comprising both big Chinese internet portals and foreign rights-owners, including the Motion Picture Association of America, announced a broad legal attack. It said that it had begun collecting evidence against more than 1,000 suspected violators of intellectual property and would start filing lawsuits, with the first target being 503 videos found on Youku, an increasingly popular website, that the alliance claims are pirated. Youku has counter-sued for defamation. Continue reading »
minipost-[Translation] Carbon Trading Prelude To Low Carbon Economy
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Carbon Trading Prelude To Low Carbon Economy
Environmental China, 8/17/2009
(Carbon trading market is a hopeful prelude to “low carbon economy”. Beijing Environmental Exchange CEO Mei Dewen says China, being the nation with largest carbon resource, has tremendous development potential in carbon trading. Thru Clean Development Mechanism, in 2012 China may receive 1.8 billion tons of carbon trading credit, as much as several hundred million USD.)
China’s carbon-based economy is a must, says Mei Dewen. Establishing exchange, develop products, speedy connection with international channels, Mei believes, developing market and pricing mechanism, attracting qualified financial institution and enterprises, is central to the future of carbon-based economy.
As 2005 Kyoto Protocol framework relates to China, in recent years, global carbon trading and marketplace had exponential growth, From 377 million Euro in 2004 to 91 billion Euro in 2008, with expert projection of 140 billion Euro in 2012, surpassing oil market as largest marketplace.
Carbon trading and derived financial market is on the horizon. According to World Bank’s estimate, half of the 5 billion ton emission reduction target by developed nations will be realized from CDM, and China have the potential for 35% to 40% of the global CDM.
However, financial development area is lacking, Mei Dewen says. Although China has the largest carbon capital, carbon economy and carbon trading are left and rigt legs, without support from carbon economy, China will lose out on carbon trading like pricing mechanism, and lose out on opportunity in development of new financial sector.
Currently, carbon trading is mostly monopolized by developed nations, such as ETS in EU, ETG in UK, and CCX in US. Although China has established environmental exchanges in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjing, these 3 exchanges are limited to conservation and environmental protection technology transfer transactions, and still far from monetizing on carbon trading. China’s carbon marketplace development not only far behind developed nation, it’s even behind India.
In concrete terms, China’s carbon trading is akin to farm commodity market, while India’s carbon trading has elevated to level of currency market. Mei says, India’s carbon marketplace development is more advanced than China, in terms of trading platform or CDM capability. India’s carbon credit is 2-3 Euros more per ton than China.
minipost-China Yearns to Form Its Own Media Empires
When many people think China and media industry, many would probably be right to think that it would be a paradox. It seems that China’s government is encouraging consolidation of the media entertainment industry and possible partnerships with Western companies to create a media industry within the China’s market. The question is that would these Western Media companies would work within China and comply with Chinese laws and governance? Many of the Tech companies working within China are already doing that. Cisco has supplied the technology for their GFW. Google’s search engine within China blocks out sensitive information like the TS 1989 incident. Yahoo has provided China information which lead to arrest of an Chinese dissident. My guess that many media companies who are looking to do business in China would comply with China’s laws and censorship. What do you think?
minipost-China’s sustainable forestry, biomass industry, green development efforts
minipost-【风华国乐】:阿里山的姑娘 (Girls of Ali Mountain)
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