Oct 14

A friend recently visited Mao Zedong’s hometown, Shaoshan, during China’s national holiday week. One of the photo he took was a recount of conversation with Mao about his shabby pajama:

A day in the Summer of 1963, I went to Zhongnanhai’s laundry to fetch the Chairman’s clothes. The comrad at the laundry said the Chairman’s pajama is too old, can’t be washed, and is it time for new one? Few days later, I was eating with the Chairman. He was wearing the very pajama.

I said: “Chairman, time to change your pajama this year?”

The Chairman casually said: “The nation is going thru some difficulties, patching will do!”

I hushed a complaint: “But you’re the Chairman.”

“Oh, I’m the Chairman, Chairman’s closthes can’t be patched? Aren’t you wearing patched clothes?”

“Chairman, you and I are different.” I explained.

“How are we different, because I’m the Chairman? Aren’t I but one among the People?”

Jan 14


☆ 本書由英國史學權威Gregor Benton(班國瑞)教授主編,所有評論均出自專門研究中國共產黨歷史方面的國際知名專家。
☆ 本書的評論,各自不同的角度,都在長期積累、嚴謹細緻的史料鑒別基礎上寫出,對尋求有關的歷史真實做出重要貢獻。
☆ 本書的各中國問題專家對《毛》書寫作方法和結論感到震驚,提出異議,進行辯論。
Gregor Benton(班國瑞)

前言 / Gregor Benton