Nov 14

“Voices of Change:  Educational reform I’d expect”

While Chinese education has experienced rapid development in the past decade, there are numerous challenges, which caused people to call education to be one of the “three mountains (healthcare, housing, and education)” that lie before ordinary Chinese. The media, however, are filled with voices of cynicism and pessimism, or groundless praises from vested interest groups who are anxious to maintain the status quo. Key stakeholders, especially students, are tragically underrepresented or even voiceless as China stands at the crossroads of her educational reform.
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Jul 09

I came across an Op-Ed in the WSJ by Rebiya Kadeer regarding the recent violence in XinJiang.  I thought it would be interesting to post them here for our discussion. Ms. Kadeer is the president of the Uighur American Association and World Uighur Congress.  Chinese authorities have accused Kadder of inflaming ethnic tensions in XinJiang and orchestrating the most recent riots.

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Jun 01

admin’s note. As many of our regular readers know, we generally give readers a free hand in terms of commenting in the belief that most people will not abuse this privilege. However, some recent comments on this blog are of inferior quality. The objective of  FM is to promote dialogue, but a dialogue would be impossible if there are only radicals on both sides. According to the Gresham’s law we discussed before, bad comments, if not dealt with,  will eventually drive out good comments. Therefore, we have drafted rules to encourage civil debate and polite discussion. We’d like to hear your feedback first before its implementation.

Fool’s Mountain General Principles

These set out some general principles about the website that will help you stay within the rules whilst you’re here.
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Jan 26

1-oxchinese-zodiac-oxIt should be Chinese New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day throughout most of the world by now …  so I just want to wish everyone here a very Happy and Prosperous Year of the OX (牛)!

According to the Chinese Zodiac, the Ox symbolizes prosperity and is associated with fortitude and hard work. Those born under the influence of the Ox are natural leaders, are dependable, and possess innate abilities to achieve great things. Continue reading »

Nov 17

Exiled Tibetans from around the world are gathering in Dharamsala for their largest political conference in nearly 60 years. The Dalai Lama has called for the six-day meeting, which begins Monday, after failing to make progress in negotiations with China. The Tibetan spiritual leader has promised to let everything be on the table and not to make any major pronouncements during the conference Continue reading »

Oct 17

Wang Yung-Ching

Wang Yung-Ching

Wang Yung-Ching, founder of Taiwan’s Formosa Plastics Group, has passed away at the age of 91 while on a business trip to the United States. Wang died unexpectedly in his sleep at his daughter’s home in New Jersey.

Known affectionately as the “Midas of Management” in Taiwan, Wang started his business by selling rice in 1932. From that humble beginning, Wang would become the richest man in Taiwan with a personal fortune (last year) of U.S. $6.8 billion. Wang’s rags-to-rich’s story, coupled with his frugal, unassuming, hardworking lifestyle, makes him one of the most inspirational figures in Taiwan in a generation.

Wang began building his business conglomerate in the early 1950s – when the Japanese had just left the island. His conglomerate would help to transform Taiwan’s biotechnology, petrochemical processing and electronic components production industries into leaders of the world. Continue reading »

Oct 03

Daizong Meditation Room, established by Professor BI Yantao, is designed to promote the political communication studies in China and advance the democratization of the Chinese mainland. Situated at the foot of the world-famous Mount Taishan, Daizong Meditation Room is the first non-profit research center of its kind in China. It is open to all interested researchers over the world, free of charge. To push our career forward, donations of books, essays, diaries, etc. on political communication studies are welcome. For more information, please contact BI Yantao via bytaishan@sina.com. Thank you.

Oct 02

Our blog has been around for 5 months. Judging from our site traffic and the comments we get (over 12,600 and counting, plenty of them insightful), we are doing quite well.

However, some readers’ comments paint a very different picture. Continue reading »

Sep 02

I hope you all liked the face lift we just did (special thanks to 大猫, our new technical consultant, for making the beautiful header image). 🙂

First off, to follow the tradition of our site reports,  here is our web stats for August.  Continue reading »

Aug 03

I just realized that tomorrow would be the 100th day anniversary for our blog. In China, when a baby is 100 days old, it’s time for celebrations. So I think it’s appropriate for me to put this entry as a token of our celebration.

To continue the tradition of my previous updates (here and here), I am happy to file another “rosy” report that “our baby” is healthy and growing rapidly. You can see from our site statistics (awstats) below that, the numbers of our unique visitors have almost doubled from June to July (10,554 to 20,895). And we had 83,812 post views in the past month (wpstats). Continue reading »

Jun 17

Ever since China flung open its doors in 1978, many Chinese have wanted to visit the United States. There’s a great deal of fascination with the world’s greatest superpower. But unfortunately, the door has almost always been closed. Initially by tight Chinese standards that restricted who could have access to a passport, but over the past decade, by tight American visa standards.

This issue has been discussed before (Washington Post article, 2006), although not many in the West are fully aware how difficult the visa issue has been in years past. The only Chinese who’ve entered the United States in the last two decades have been here to study, work, or to visit family. And even in these cases, after presenting an entire library of supporting documents to an often hostile consulate officer, a significant percentage (majority?) are denied visas for no obvious reason. It’s ironic to me that even as the United States government funds dissident groups in China in an attempt to spread the word on democracy, it keeps out hundreds of thousands of average Chinese willing to pay for the privilege of visiting.

But China’s economic growth has finally led to a change. Starting this fall, Chinese tourists will be given the opportunity to visit in groups. Chinese tourists will still have to appear at consulates for a face-to-face interview, but the indication is that visas will now be granted to the vast majority of qualified applicants.

Below is an article (文章) with a few early details:

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Jun 11

Tent Donation Campaign

Written by: Buxi | Filed under:Announcements | Tags:,
4 Comments » newest

According to government forecasts, up to 3 million tents are desperately needed in the earthquake zone.  Every available tent in China has been redirected to this effort, and other international donors have done their best to help as well.  (Pakistan, notably, has apparently donated every tent it owns to China.)  

Not satisfied with just donating money to a nameless charity, a group of US-based Chinese on MITBBS have formed a group to take direct action.  They are purchasing tents in the United States and shipping them directly to Sichuan.  Below is their story (文章), and an opportunity for you to help.

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May 19

A call for material

Written by: Buxi | Filed under:Announcements | Tags:
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This blog site is intended to be a collaborative effort; it doesn’t belong to any individual.

We welcome all voices representing the Chinese mainstream speaking in English.  I’ve come across examples of wonderful, insightful writing from Chinese on other blogs, letters submitted to English newspapers, etc… and I really hope this site could act as a central clearinghouse for sharing and saving this material.  Many of the comments left on this blog are also wonderful.

For those who write material (or just happen to find some), please let us know.  You can email the email address in the “About” page above.  If you think you have the time to be a regular contributor, please contact us about joining us as an editor as well.