Aug 05

郭宝锋, 你妈妈叫你不要诽谤警察

Written by Charles Liu on Wednesday, August 5th, 2009 at 4:18 am
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郭宝锋, 你妈妈说言论自由有合法的限制, 不包括煽动,危害公共秩序的言论 – 你忘了死厨师案件吗?

她也说你不应该翻发假证据, 指责警察轮奸, 尸奸, 并涵盖了轮奸.  据美国计划生育组织这案件于宫外孕是一致的. 警方调查严晓玲的男朋友,他们的朋友,尸检,也证明她的死亡原因是子宫外孕,  卵管破裂,大量出血,休克.

你指责验尸官拔出子宫毁灭证据,但是,你知道拔出器官是尸检标准?你 Google 一下  “Rokitanski metnod” 好不好? 这和你认为严重轮奸可以打破卵管显示你缺乏基本知识.

郭宝锋, 你妈妈叫你不要诽谤警察.

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5 Responses to “郭宝锋, 你妈妈叫你不要诽谤警察”

  1. justkeeper Says:

    来就为了和你说一声这起案件上了南周了已经 http://www.infzm.com/content/37691

  2. Charles Liu Says:

    Thanks justkeeper. This article also mentioned the fact Guo et al accused the Fujian Minching police of gang rape AND necrophilia:

    (“Fujian Minching bandit police gang rape 26 year old to death, continue to rape the corpse”)

    Okay, maybe there’re lot of sick Gongan in Minching police dept. that enjoy raping women, but where’s the evidence of necrophilia? Not even Yen’s mother has made the claim.

  3. justkeeper Says:

    @Charles Liu: 我用中文吧这里。我担心的是,如果警察确实无罪的话怎么办?民众压根不关心,也不会相信这种可能性。他们只要他们眼里认定的正义,哪怕这意味着对警察做有罪推定,而不是通过证据来判定,他们也根本不相信司法机关,他们会一直追杀到有关部门妥协为止,这很危险啊。

  4. Charles Liu Says:

    jk, 大象尸奸,奸破卵管,保证不是真旳. Very ironic China seems to be too free in this case. 基本的长识,礼仪,都没有, hate to think THIS is the best China has to offer.

  5. justkeeper Says:

    @Charles Liu: Well ,not the best China has to offer, but hey, this is the best Chinese judicial system and law education has to offer. I have to say that the China’s judicial system is one of the government’s biggest failures. People have no respect for evidence and they don’t want a fair trial, they just want to channel their fury somewhere.

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