Dec 31

Yesterday’s  Associated Press article featured below might indicate movement between China and Taiwan in terms of closer military cooperation and inclusion in some international organizations. The language seems softer than in the past and no date for reunification was set forth by Hu.

Now that the three links have been established, what should the next step be? Would it be membership in the WHO, demilitarization between the island and mainland, or something in the economic realm? Continue reading »

Dec 31

    作者: 云淡水暖(华.国.之.兰) [163286:23004], 22:50:37 12/30/2008:- 论剑谈棋 豪杰尽聚 – 华岳论坛http://www.washeng.net/ 





    1218,《卫报》网络版上有一篇图片报道,题目叫做“China then and now (20 pictures)”(当时(1978年)的和现在的中国(20张图片)) http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/gallery/2008/dec/18/china-reforms?picture=340839139),该报道还加了个题记“Alternate images from 1978 and current times show how much China has changed in the 30 years since Deng Xiaoping’s reforms(用1978年与如今的图片相互对比:自从邓小平的改革以来30年间中国发生了多大的变化)”。





    Metal workers take their lunch break in a factory cafeteria(金属厂工人们中午在工厂食堂用餐)



    Workers soldering circuit boards on a production line at a toy factory in Shantou, Guangdong province(广东省汕头的玩具厂工人正在焊接线路板)







    A medical practitioner treats a patient’s foot on the street(一位执业医生在街头为人治疗脚病)



    Nurses treat a baby as his mother looks on at a hospital in Hefei, Anhui province(安徽合肥的医院里,一位母亲在注视护士照料小宝宝)


    在第一张照片中,有三个人物,一个坐在街道边上的男“执业医生”,一个背靠一间破屋的医脚的男病人,一个抽着旱烟的老者,这三个人都有一个明显的特征,就是留着前清时代的辫子。显然,180多年历史的著名大报的采编者的时空概念倒置了,把前清的街头情境硬是安到“Then”(1978年)的头上,以此来表现他们所谓的Alternate images from 1978 and current times show how much China has changed in the 30 years since Deng Xiaoping’s reforms(用1978年与如今的图片相互对比:…30年间中国发生了多大的变化)”,不知就里的咋一看这样的“对比”,简直是“天翻地覆慨而慷”的变化么。













Dec 31

[Below blogpost from Jan 08 year mentions a lawsuit between factions of overseas Chinese democracy movement over corruption within the Indepent Chinese PEN Center. What\’s interesting is the author of \’08 Constitution Charter”, aka \’08 Charter\’, seems to have a prominet role in the NED supported Chinese dissident groups ICPC and Democracy China.]

獨立中文筆會”分贓不均 狗咬狗 正打得頭破血流

“斗士”內訌 “獨立中文筆會”在美國法庭遭起訴

● 訴諸法律 讓對手付代价

2007年12月3日,美國紐約皇后區民事法庭受理了一宗中國政治异議團体侵權案,頓時引起各界關注。被告方是由美國“國家民主基金會”( National Endowment for Democracy,縮寫NED)資助的“獨立中文筆會”(Independent Chinese PEN Center,簡稱“獨立筆會”ICPC),原告方是“獨立筆會”的會員高寒。此案令洋法官們殊感詫异,正因為侵犯人權、侵犯言論自由的指控落在以爭取民主自由為旗號的民運人士們身上。




● 有你無我 白宮門外吵翻天

“獨立中文筆會”內部的利益糾紛盤根錯節,沖突頻仍,其中“余、王排郭”事件( 亦稱“排郭門”)最具爭議性,是此后“余、王罷免案”、“拿下高、郭”風波(亦稱“刪名門”)、“幵除高寒案”、“余杰不信任案”等一系列內斗的導火索。 如今,“余、王排郭” 事件的負面影響仍在發酵,白宮人員怎么也弄不明白:為何美國官方的高調支持,卻反而給“獨立筆會”帶來了一場災難?

2006年5月20日,自由亞洲電台發布一則新聞《郭飛雄發表公幵信,指王怡和余杰阻止他与布什會面》。消息傳幵,立即在海外“民運”圈內引起強烈反響。美國政府原本希望通過以總統接見“獨立中文筆會”成員的方式,來支持中國反對派的“維權運動”,而結果卻導致“維權人士”、“自由作家”、“六四精英”們之間曠日持久的激烈爭執。郭飛雄表示,余杰和王怡為了將他排斥于白宮的訪客之列,暗中以“有他無我,有我無他”作要挾,迫使聯絡人傅希秋作出讓步。然而,傅希秋、王怡則說:白宮衹邀請基督徒參加會談,而郭飛雄不是基督徒。這种解釋對于群情激憤的“民運”們、“維權”們都缺乏說服力,一時間 “陰謀”之說甚囂塵上。



● 刪名有過結 爭名沒商量






● 揮棒收拾你 還要你道歉



高寒的“罪狀”包括:在筆會領導換屆選舉期間,污蔑祕書長陳邁平“巧立名目”、“中飽私囊”﹔在“余、王排郭”風波中,污蔑會長劉曉波和理事會“參与了余、王二人在美國行為的決策”,并斷定筆會“對余、王訪美進行有組織有目的的宣傳活動”﹔ 擅自公布所謂“民主中國臨時過渡政府各省市政權和平交接委員會接收成員”,使名單中的“獨立筆會”國內會員處于危險境地,并導致許萬平、楊天水被判刑。


● 貧富不均 紛爭之源





● “義工”圖利 坐地分贓




● 財務拒公幵 假賬名堂多

高寒揭露:“獨立筆會”獲得美國NED資助的第一年,就巧立名目,變更用款科目,挪用逾5000-9000美元。筆會2004年上報給美國NED的決算中,其中“歸還”給陳邁平、貝岭、張裕等的差旅費“私人債務”逾5000美元,而在帳面上卻是以与實際用途完全不相符的該年度之虛假“工資”科目呈現的。他指出,衹要那份決算報表沒有明确地寫上:“歸還2003年會員債務”這一科目﹔衹要提交給上次會員大會的那份筆會財務報告中所謂“后來分別由祕書長萬之領取 2000 美元以抵銷2003年出席墨西哥國際筆會大會路費,前任執行主任貝岭領取1350美元以抵銷參加2003年出席墨西哥國際筆會大會路費…張裕領取1159美元以抵銷參加2004年出席西班牙國際筆會獄中作家委員會代表大會路費”之款項,在該決算中是以“工資”來支取的,那么“巧立名目”的批評就成立。



● 民運有幫規 順服成大佬




● 制度成擺設 權力更傲慢



高寒的“章程修正案”雖曾得到許多會員贊同,然而,會長劉曉波以及一些大會工作人員卻“違反行政中立”,中止大會正常進程,紛紛給提案人打電話,動員他們撤案。于是鄭義撤了,王丹、陳破空等也跟著撤了。高寒感嘆道:“反正這圈中也時興‘跟人不跟線’。” 高寒向鄭義“掏心窩子”說:“很明顯,這是典型的‘屁股決定腦袋’定律在作祟。因為,玩真格的‘公幵性’和‘競爭性’,就都有可能要触動到有些人那實實在在的既得利益或預期利益—-中國的政治体制改革之難,不就難在這‘屁股-腦袋’定律嗎?中國的一幫‘自由主義精英’實在也不能免俗!”



Dec 30


作者:magiczerg 文章发于:乌有之乡 点击数: 更新时间:2008-12-11



接下来我们看看病因。 照理说老病毒,我们应该早有免疫力,不应该害怕的,为什么政府又一次的讳莫如深呢?难道毛主席给我们民族注射的疫苗失效了?如果失效为什么会失效呢?我想我们的政府该反思一下了!资本主义在中国走不通是历史证明的了,为什么现在的善良的人们人们还总是一厢情愿的相信呢?政府一直以来摇摆不定,被走资派挟持,篡改历史的恶果出现了。现在走资派利用被篡改的历史去蒙蔽广大老百姓的时候,政府只好把长期以来对付正派(之所以不称左派的原因是个人觉得现在的右派是反动派,真正的右派在我们的所谓的“左派”中间,还没到显露的时候)的手段拿出来了,那就是封杀。就像纸里的火一样是封不得住,这样做只会把自己推向人民的对立端,成全了这帮畜生。唯一也是最正确的办法就是还原历史的真相,让人民自己认清它们丑恶的嘴脸。让人民了解真正的历史,让祖国的未来–青年人真正了解中国的历史,这样中华名族才能真正自信,自强。中华民族才能永远拒毒于体外。



乌有之乡 http://www.wyzxsx.com

Dec 26

China’s Charter 08

Written by: Steve | Filed under:culture, education, General, media, News, politics | 408 Comments » newest

Recently, over 2000 Chinese citizens signed the document below, released on December 10th, calling for human rights and democracy with an eventual end to one party rule. I’ve used the translation from the New York Review of Books with sections of their Postscript included. This document was signed by Chinese citizens living inside China, not expat dissidents living abroad. The Postscript gives some information concerning the status of a few of the 303 intellectuals who had signed the document. The blog Global Voices  also has an in-depth look at the current status of the more prominent signatories.

What do you think of this document? Should it be discussed or dismissed? Should the signers be arrested and jailed? Is there room in the current China for this type of discussion? Continue reading »

Dec 25

In recent statements (http://blog.beliefnet.com/news/2008/12/dalai-lama-talks-of-complete-r.php), the Dalai Lama has strongly implied that he might retire from politics completely. I’m not sure how seriously to take this sort of talk—I tend to think it’s more likely that he’s sort of testing the waters.

However, if it turns out that he really does retire from politics, I wonder if that might not end up being better for the Tibetan movement in the long run. I think that the fundamental problem with the negotiations between Beijing and the Dalai Lama so far is that they are not interested in negotiating on the same subject. The Dalai Lama wants to negotiate on behalf of the Tibetan people for political reforms in Tibet. The government in Beijing has never said they wanted to talk about that; instead, they have said they will negotiate about the Dalai Lama’s personal status. If the Dalai Lama gives up his political role and leaves it to the exile prime minister to have political negotiations, then maybe it will become possible for him to start negotiations with Beijing regarding his personal status. That is, he might actually be able to return to Tibet as an individual. By doing so, he might be able to create a degree of trust and goodwill which would eventually make political reforms possible.

The tricky part that remains, though, is that the Dalai Lama can give up his political role, but I don’t think he can retire from his religious role. In order to return, he would probably need some kind of reliable assurances that there would be reduced political interference in Tibetan religion. Most importantly, how could he return to Tibet if he thought the CCP would still control the selection and education of the next Dalai Lama?

Dec 24

Yesterday, the pair of Giant Pandas Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan finally arrived in Taiwan.  More than just normal “diplomatic pandas,” Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan’s represents the culmination of much political wranglings between the Mainland and Taiwan that included formal rejections of the pandas in 2005 by ex-President Chen Shui Bian (now formally indicted for  graver crimes, including embezzlement). Continue reading »

Dec 24

I almost forgot: it’s already Christmas Eve in much of Asia – so here is “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year” for everyone at Foolsmountain!

Continue reading »

Dec 23

Chinese Crew Fights Off Pirates

Written by: Steve | Filed under:News, technology | 17 Comments » newest

From the Times Online website with thanks to FOARP: Chinese Crew Used Beer Bottles To Fight Off Pirates

 The crew of a Chinese ship have described how they used beer bottles and water cannon to fend off a pirate attack off the Somali coast before they were rescued.

Zhenua 4 was one of four vessels seized by pirates on Wednesday, shortly after the UN Security Council authorised countries to pursue the renegades by land and air.

Nine pirates armed with rocket launchers and machineguns boarded the ship, Xinhua, the Chinese state-run news agency, reported. Continue reading »

Dec 20

China’s journey of reform and opening up over the last the last 30 years have definitely been, if nothing else, colorful and eventful.  Last week, Chinese officials marked the 30 year anniversary of China’s reforms and opening up with a series of meetings and speeches. Continue reading »

Dec 19

By BI Yantao, China

Today(December 19), Lianhe Zaobao (《联合早报》), a mainstream Chinese newspaper based in Singapore, reported that since this October on, teachers in Sichuan, Chongqing, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Hunan, Hubei, Guangdong went on strike to demand a salary raise.

Dec 19






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2008.12.09 湖南省涟源市2000多教师罢课
2008.12.09 河南省洛阳市吉利区中小学教师自发请病假一天
2008.12.09 湖南省永州市双牌县教师集体到政府提交请愿书及抗议书
2008.10月 四川省成都市武侯区机投中学罢课

Teachers Strikes Spread Across China

By BI Yantao, China

Since late September on, teachers in Sichuan, Chongqing, Inner Mongolia, Shannxi, Hunan, Hubei, Henan, Shandong, Guangdong, Heilongjiang, Fujian, Liaoning went on strike, demanding a salary raise. Both the central governments and the local governments across the country are on guard at the moment.

Dec 19

Would an Indian reporter write about Western savages eating the holly cows,
Or Muslim reporter write about Western infidels eating pigs?
Taking matters out of cultural context, this piece of “news” is aimed at nothing but to demonize and dehumanize China, typical craft of the free press spin master.


* China pet lovers protest cats as food Slideshow: China pet lovers protest cats as food
By WILLIAM FOREMAN, Associated Press Writer William Foreman, Associated Press Writer – Thu Dec 18, 9:06 pm ET

GUANGZHOU, China – While animal lovers in Beijing protested the killing of cats for food on Thursday, a butcher in Guangdong province — where felines are the main ingredient in a famous soup — just shrugged her shoulders and wielded her cleaver. “Cats have a strong flavor. Dogs taste much better, but if you really want cat meat, I can have it delivered by tomorrow,” said the butcher, who gave only her surname, Huang.

It was just this attitude that outraged about 40 cat lovers who unfurled banners in a tearful protest outside the Guangdong government office in Beijing. Many were retirees who care for stray felines they said were being rounded up by dealers.

“We must make them correct this uncivilized behavior,” said Wang Hongyao, who represented the group in submitting a letter urging the provincial government to crack down on traders and restaurants, although they were breaking no laws.

The protest was the latest clash between age-old traditions and the new sensibilities made possible by China\’s growing affluence. Pet ownership was once rare because the Communist Party condemned it as bourgeois and most people simply couldn’t afford a cat or dog.

The protesters’ indignation was whipped up by recent reports in Chinese newspapers about the cat meat industry. On Monday, the Southern Metropolis Daily — a Guangdong paper famous for its exposes and aggressive reporting — ran a story that said about 1,000 cats were transported by train to Guangdong each day.

The animals came from Nanjing, a major trading hub for cats, the newspaper said. They were brought to market by dealers on motorcycles, crammed into wooden crates and sent to Guangdong on trains. A photo showed a cat with green eyes peering from a crowded crate.

Some people in Nanjing spend their days “fishing for cats,” often stealing pets, the report said.

One cat owner in Guanghzou said people are afraid to let their pets leave the house for fear they will get nabbed.

“It’s never been this bad. Who knows, it might be because of the bad economy. I’ve heard that there are cat-nabbing syndicates from Hunan that are rounding up cats,” said the man, who would only give his surname, Lai, because he feared the cat business might be run by gangsters.

Animal protection groups have occasionally ambushed truck convoys loaded with bamboo cages filled with cats bound for Guangdong. In one recent case, hundreds of cats escaped after their cages were opened, though hundreds more remained penned in the vehicle.

Lai Xiaoyu, who was involved in the attempted “rescue,” said authorities couldn’t stop the cat shipment because the traders said the animals were to be raised as pets.

“The police did what they could, but there’s little they can do to stop or punish those traders from shipping live animals,” Lai said.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA, issued a statement Thursday decrying the cruel treatment.

“China has no animal protection laws, and throughout the country scores of cats and dogs are bred or rounded up, crammed onto trucks and driven for days under hellish conditions to animal markets, where they are beaten to death, strangled or boiled alive,” said a spokesman for the group, Michael V. McGraw.

Guangdong is home to the Cantonese people, famous for being the most adventurous eaters in China. There\’s a popular saying: “The Cantonese will eat anything that flies, except airplanes, and anything with legs, except a chair.”

Zhu Huilian, a nutrition and food safety professor at Sun Yat-Sen University in Guangdong’s capital, Guangzhou, said people usually eat cat in restaurants, not at home.

“There’s a famous soup called ‘Dragon, Tiger and Phoenix,'” Zhu said. “It involves cooking snake, cat and chicken together. In winter more people eat cats as they believe it’s extra nutritious.”

The wide-ranging Cantonese culinary tastes are on display daily in Guangzhou, also known as Canton, in the Qing Ping Market. Shopkeepers sit behind cages full of writhing snakes, tubs with turtles and plastic basins with mounds of scorpions crawling over each other.

That’s where the butcher, Huang, sells her meat, sliced on a blood-soaked cutting board in a stall filled with cages of chickens and rabbits.

Hanging on a hook from its head — with its snout cut cleanly off — was a skinned dog with a long curly tail, paws with small clumps of fur still on them and black claws. The dog’s jaw bone was displayed in a metal tray beneath the carcass.

“The cat meat we sell comes from legitimate sources,” said Huang, who gave only her surname because her boss doesn’t allow her to speak to reporters. “It’s from cat farms. The animals are raised the same way cows are.”

She said cat meat sold for about $1.32 a pound, while dog meat was cheaper, at about 95 cents a pound. Chicken was the best buy at 62 cents a pound, while lamb sold for about $1.32.

Huang said customers had to order cat meat a day in advance because it doesn’t sell as well as dog.

“Cat tastes a bit like lamb. I don’t like it much,” she said. “Young cats are tender, but the meat on the older ones is really tough. Usually old people like eating it.”


Associated Press writer Gillian Wong in Beijing, researchers Xi Yue in Beijing and Ji Chen in Shanghai, and Carley Petesch in New York contributed to the report.

Dec 18

No, China will not buy GM, Ford or Chrysler. But there is another way – a scheme of division of labor in which the U.S. will focus on design and innovation while China on manufacturing efficiency. Continue reading »

Dec 16

Chinese Foreign Ministry recently described French President Sarkozy’s meeting with the Dalai Lama as an act that would “gravely hurt the feelings of the Chinese people”.

It is the kind of phrase you are looking for in every Chinese official indignation – ok, feelings hurt, this isn’t something good. However, this is the first time I actually didn’t let it just pass, and asked myself: what does this phrase actually mean? Sure some countries have hurt our feelings, so what? You expect an apology or something else from the other side to compensate your “hurt feelings”? Continue reading »

Dec 16

It’s about time!

Per Mark McDonald at the International Herald Tribune: Shortly after dawn Monday, a passenger plane took off from Shenzhen, China, bound for Taiwan. The 80-minute flight across the Taiwan Strait marked the first regular cross-strait traffic since the end of the civil war in 1949 and another dramatic step in the improvement of relations between the two countries.

The Shenzhen Airlines flight from China – along with a later TransAsia Airways flight to Shanghai from Taiwan’s capital, Taipei – inaugurated regular direct flights between Taiwan and mainland China. Direct ship traffic and mail service also began Monday, state media reported.

Xinhua, the official Chinese news agency, reported that the flight from Shenzhen took off at 7:20 a.m. The TransAsia flight from Taipei left 46 minutes later. A total of 16 direct passenger flights were scheduled Monday. Continue reading »

Dec 15

The post “Is there a moral crisis in China?” made me curious about couple of “Ethical” or “Moral” issues that is going on in China that is being talked about in the rest of the world.

Morals have different standards with different countries and cultures. But with the world becoming more flat, these moral/ethical issues are being talk about today.

In my Ethics class I need to write a research paper on anything ethical issues and I thought I’d write it on China, specifically on Governmental Control of the Internet(The Great Wall), and how the Chinese government can freely tap your phone calls and monitor whatever you do on the internet and have access to your personal information.
By American Standards that is a violation of our Privacy Rights ergo by American standards, it is unethical… But how about in China… is it considered unethical for the government to do so?

I am curious on what are your opinions on this issue?
And please indicate if it is ok if I use you as a source in my paper…

Dec 15

And now for something completely different!

After sailing across the Pacific Ocean in a 15th century Chinese junk, Captain Nelson Liu and his crew of seven on the Princess Tai Ping spent their last few days at the San Diego Maritime Museum before making their way to Hawaii and eventually back to Japan and Taipei.

The 54 foot, 35 ton Fujian style warship, built and launched from Xiamen using the same materials as their ancestors, is following the conjectured route of 15th century Chinese admiral Zheng He who, according to some theories, may have arrived on the North American West Coast long before Cabrillo.

Continue reading »

Dec 13

China is at a critical intersection. As a communication researcher, I am sure it is the high time to stand up and take whatever responsibility I can.

To a great extent, China’s future will be shaped by its civil society. But what is the true situations China’s civil society is trapped in? What are their hardships and expectations? What roles and functions should the civil society perform in China’s development? How should China’s current policies regarding the civil society be redesigned to ensure China’s sustainable development?

To answer these questions, I am planning an independent research project from the perspective of political communication. My hypothesis is that China’s civil society will grow at a greater pace in the near future, and that a stronger civil society will definitely speed up China’s transition. I was hoping to travel around China to interview activists, academics, newsworkers and politicians, focusing on China’s policies regarding NGOs, religion, minorities, news media, etc. , and on the interactions between the political society and the civil society in China.

If everything goes well, my project will start before this Chinese New Year. I am ready to take any unavoidable risk.

If you are interested in this project, if you are hoping to join us in any possible form , if you are willing to offer me any kind of assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact me via bytaishan@sina.com.

Dec 13

On my trip to Mainland China a couple of weeks ago, I happened to run into an old family friend who used to be my mom’s acupuncturist (who has since retired).  Despite having emigrated from the Mainland to the U.S. almost forty years ago, she still loves China – and has continually made her annual trip back to her home town for over three decades.  And this time – true to form, I saw her with 3-4 luggage in tow – full of gifts for her extended family and village friends. Continue reading »

Dec 11

A couple of days ago, the Beijing News reported how local officials in Xintai – a city in the eastern province of Shandong – locked up citizens in mental hospitals to prevent them from making journeys to Beijing to alert central government officials of local injustices going on in Xintai (see original story – and english version translated by Global Voices). Continue reading »