Sep 09

(Letter) Beijing Paralympics Opening Ceremony

Written by guest on Tuesday, September 9th, 2008 at 8:06 pm
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China kicked off 2008 Paralympics on September 6 (h/t to CBC for covering it):

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9 Responses to “(Letter) Beijing Paralympics Opening Ceremony”

  1. Wukailong Says:

    I missed the ceremony… 🙁 Did somebody watch it? Was it as impressive as the other one?

  2. The Trapped! Says:

    I think Beijing Paralympics Opening Ceremony is more impressive, more symbolic and more harmonious style than Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony.

  3. Xiao Says:

    I agree, it is very impressive, extremely romantic, 浪漫的匪夷所思. My favorite three performances:

    1. 四川女孩李月《永不停跳的舞步》,
    2. 白裙聋哑姑娘表演《星星你好》
    3. 盲人钢琴家金元辉表演中篇《时间的旅行》篇章的《四季》

    See here if you missed the openning cemony, http://2008.cctv.com/cahkms/

  4. Chops Says:

    The wheelchair athlete who lighted the Paralympic flame by winching himself towards the stadium roof using his own strength, probably worked harder than Li Ning who lighted the Olympic flame 🙂

  5. RMBWhat Says:

    bit-torrent it baby…

  6. admin Says:

    I put a video link for the Paralympics Opening Ceremony into the recommended readings list on the side bar.

    I was very impressed.

  7. wuming Says:

    New York Times put it best — in English at least — SUBLIME

  8. Michelle Says:

    I can see first hand how people’s attitudes towards the disabled are changing in Beijing (including my own!). Never paid it much attention before, but the Paralympics rock. (Will bittorrent opening ceremony if internet ever starts working at home!)

  9. Daniel Says:

    I saw some of it online too. Very sentimental and heart warming indeed.

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