Jun 01

We have moved!

Written by: admin | Filed under:General | Tags:,
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Did you notice that? Everything should still work as before. But if you encounter any problem, please let us know. I will put up a detailed update later.

Jun 01

An open letter from a Chinese NBA fan

Written by: Buxi | Filed under:Letters | Tags:,
40 Comments » newest

An open letter to NBA commissioner David Stern, and former Cleveland Cavalier Ira Newble.

Dear NBA commissioner David Stern, and Ira Newble of the Los Angeles Lakers:

As a long time fan of NBA basketball, I can tell you unabashedly: I love this game. I have followed the league since Michael Jordon’s first MVP season in 1988, and I’ve had the pleasure of watching NBA basketball in person in nine different arenas from coast to coast.

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