Jun 01

We have moved!

Written by admin on Sunday, June 1st, 2008 at 7:45 am
Filed under:General | Tags:,
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Did you notice that? Everything should still work as before. But if you encounter any problem, please let us know. I will put up a detailed update later.

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3 Responses to “We have moved!”

  1. drifter Says:

    keep moving …
    i’m curious about u …
    u r chinese? or a foreigner…
    ur articles r very interesting ,,,
    but u know for some reason
    people in mainland of china can not visit this blog
    i come here from the link of DANWEI and with the help of something illegal but really useful to break the censorship

  2. KL Says:

    accessible from mainland China

  3. cat Says:

    The new URL might be accessible where KL is, but it certainly isn’t where I am in Beijing – still having to go through a proxy. Ah! Correction! Just as I finished typing that sentence the page finally opened, but it took about three minutes to achieve that.

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