Jan 28

Intro: China’s accumulation of foreign currency is a hotly debated topic. Secretary of Treasury Geithner recently characterized it as “currency manipulation,” a legal term of art which allows the United States to take retaliatory measures.

I have written a paper that approaches this practice from a different angle, and recommends a different solution. The paper can be downloaded here http://ssrn.com/abstract=1332842

In this paper, I revisit the historic ideas surrounding miserliness and usury. I explain why these were economically pernicious activities, and why they were socially stigmatized or made illegal. The paper then moves onto international relations. I argue that China has been acting as miser and usurer on the world stage, at the expense of its own needs and global productivity. The world needs to balance spending vs. saving/investing/lending, and if there is too much of the latter then a rebalancing is inevitable. China has been doing too much of the latter, and the current economic crisis is that rebalancing.

The preferred solution to this problem is not trade protectionism, but rather increased trade. Over the past decade Americans have spent trillions of dollars on Chinese goods and services. This created employment in China and helped the country achieve its potential. The Chinese have responded by hoarding and lending that money. But a relationship where Americans spend and Chinese save and lend is not viable. Only when China takes the dollars Americans spend to employ Chinese, and uses it to employ Americans, will there be a sustainable relationship that can tap the productive potential of both countries. The United States has taken the first step and spent to establish this relationship. It is now China’s turn to spend, to advance that relationship.

I am interested in comments before the paper is published, so please do not hesitate to write me at the link above with any feedback.

Note: post title and content changed per the author’s request. -admin

Jan 27

Here is an article published today by 聯合網 UDN on U.S had sue China on their lack of effort of protecting intellectual properties and patents and U.S has won the suit.

So what does this mean for china? does that mean they are going to enforce the patent laws? Anti Piracy laws?

Here is the full article:

美控中保護智財不力 WTO判中國敗訴

2009.01.27 10:37 am


美國代理貿易代表歐蓋爾(Peter Allgeier)發表聲明指出,小組的發現「是一項重要的勝利」。








【2009/01/27 中央社】@ http://udn.com/

P.S I am not good at translating so I am not going to try

Jan 20

By BI Yantao, China

An international conference on Struggle Against Sexism and Racism is to be held in London January 31 to February 8, 2009. More than 150 participants from 21 countries will attend it.

The 10-day conference consists of 5 five seminars to discuss respectively:

1. Grassroots Struggle Against Sexism and Racism: an International Comparison;
2. Our Debt to Haitians – the First to Abolish Slavery;
3. Rape and Prostitution – A Question of Consent;
4. Invest In Caring, Not Killing: Valuing the Work of Caring for People and the Planet;
5. Rediscovering Tanzania’s Ujamaa –Tribute to the Great Ntimbanjayo Millinga and the Ruvuma Development Association.

This conference is organized by Global Women Strike and International Women Count Network, two grassroots organizations which are headquartered in London.

The organizers say, Mothers who produce all the workers of the world are not considered contributors to the economy and must fight for every penny to feed families. Some are fighting to survive floods, droughts or other climate catastrophes. Others are separated from their children. Domestic workers who produce time for others are marginalized and exploited. Rural workers who grow the food we eat are the most neglected.

Invited by International Women Count Network, Miss Wang Shumei, a rural woman from mainland China, will attend this international gathering. She will introduce the effect of China’s reform and opening-up on its political, economic and social ecology in the countryside. Wang Shu Mei will exchange experiences with grassroots women from other countries. On her return, she will be reporting back on these common concerns.

It is noticeable that this international event will be staged at the Venezuelan Embassy in London.

Jan 19

Robert Adanto’s The Rising Tide, which recently screened at Art Basel Miami Beach, examines China’s economic and cultural metamorphosis through the work of some of the Middle Kingdom’s most talented video artists and photographers, including the internationally recognized Cao Fei, Xu Zhen, Wang Qingsong, Chen Qiulin and Zhang O. It is narrated by Rosalind Chao and Gordon Chang.

“Adanto’s surprisingly grim film highlights both the vitality and urgency of China’s burgeoning new culture while allowing its subjects to speak of the darker and more painful aspects of change,” says Gerry Mak in the on-line publication Flavorpill.
The Rising Tide is an incredibly timely examination of China’s growing prominence in international culture. In a climate of industrialization, urbanization, and increased freedom of expression, Chinese Contemporary Art has emerged as arguably the most vital and imaginative cultural force in the world today. “The rest of us better make an effort to grasp what their work is about, or get out of the way,” says Mark Lynch, host of WICN’s Inquiry, ” [The Rising Tide is] an ‘eye-opener’ in every sense of the word, if you are an artist, curator or art teacher be sure to catch this film.”

Thursday, 1/22 @ 7:30pm The Echo Park Film Center, Los Angeles, CA
Thursday, 2/05 Kansas City Institute of the Arts, Kansas City, MO
2/06 and 2/07 in NYC
2/21 in NYC
March 2009 Cape Winelands Film Festival, South Africa
April 20, 2009 Academy of Entertainment & Technology, Santa Monica, CA
May 2, 2009 The Peabody-Essex Museum- Salem, MA

For more information, visit www.therisingtidefilm.com.

Jan 15

No, not Cosmo Cramer. Jim Cramer of CNBC`s Mad Money fame tonight made Xinhua China 25 his [China] Play of The Day, and expressed his bullish confidence in China`s dictatorship.

This is while self-appointed expat China experts are making doom-and-gloom, Panarin-esq predictions that China will suffer fatal crisis or fall from revolution, from range of issues: unemployment, to porn sweep, to an essay few have read.

Please allow me to add one more possibility – PETA will take China down (Pamala Anderson will let y`all know when to get out of Dodge).

Cramer bullish on China

Jan 13

This is a  post by Nick Wong in his blog, which is in turn a repost of a post by Xiao Han







1. 政府以涉嫌颠覆国家政权罪刑事拘留了“零八宪章”的起草人刘****晓****波先生,传唤了推动此事的另一位重要人物张***祖***桦先生,我认为这样做是违法的,因为对国家大事发表意见,这是每个公民的基本权利,起草人也好,其他签名者也罢,都没有用任何不正当手段去做推翻现政权的行为,只是呼吁现政权下定决心进行宪政改革,与颠覆国家政权完全不沾边。









10. 辛亥革命的主要国父是两位,一位是孙中山,还有一位是袁世凯,以前人们总是将袁世凯打入冷宫,剥夺他作为中华民国国父之一的身份,这是一种道德中心主义观念下的偏见,而不是政治上的公允之论。如果没有孙袁双方互有妥协的谈判及其成功,请告诉我中华民国自何而来?就靠南方革命党的国库里那几块钱,能打赢政府军?即使筹集到银两巨万,革命党打赢了这场战争,那又得死多少人?因此,无论从哪个意义上,我们都要感谢孙袁两位为基本和平的宪政破航做出的贡献。袁世凯后来想当皇帝不得而死,那是以后的事,至少在1911年,他是新国家的创立者之一。

11.中国未来的政治道路,应该是在和平推动中完成宪政改革,共产党必定是其中的重要力量,甚至是最重要的力量。因此,不能把共产党当作敌人看待 ——无论名义上,还是具体措施的操作上,都不能,而目前的宪章,其措施如果全部实行,那么共产党必然就成为了中国全体国民的敌人(虽然宪章本无此意)。要求共产党经过改革把自己改造成沦为阶下囚的国家之敌,共产党能答应吗?




15. 凭三条,第一条,再这样治理下去,共产党统治会导致烽烟四起、天下大乱、民不聊生、朝不保夕的日常生活,共产党会和这个国家的人民处在绝对对立的死胡同里;第二条,只有结束这样的治理方式才能挽救中国、挽救中国共产党;第三条,结束这一过程,需要给共产党及其重要成员一些基本承诺。

16. 清帝退位的原因是两个:第一个是在辛亥革命之后,袁世凯对清王室的连哄带吓,第二个原因是民国政府给出的《优待清室条例》——和平新建政权是要代价的。




20. 要使得共产党成为和平宪政改革的同盟者甚至主要改革者,必须要有一批“污点国父”——他们可能在这个体制内获得了巨大的不义之财和地位,但是只要他们愿意主导或者推动宪政的和平改革,除了应该将他们及其家族的财富按照一定比例退还国库,其他一概既往不咎,并且保护他们及其家族的一切安全,使得他们在此基础上成为与广大无罪国民权利平等的公民,如果他们成为国家重要领导人的,以后卸任了也绝不秋后算账。上述政策应该也是针对其他一切共产党官员的做法。


22. 要平稳走向宪政深水,首先得试水,如何试水?共产党与社会各界共同拟定一份“过渡期宪政方案”,主要内容至少应该包括但不限于:1共产党继续执政,确定具体年限;2全面实行三权分立的公权力监督模式,正常发挥议会、行政和司法保护公民权的功能;3允许结社自由,因此而成立的政党,除了在过渡期内不能进行执政竞选,其他一切符合良法的活动都可以开展;4全面保护原宪法所承认的公民权利;5增补并保护原未被承认的公民权利;6军队国家化,不得介入内政;7拟定对将近60年来共产党过往问题的调查、审判、赦免程序与制度性宽恕方案,并且保证过渡期之后将来的其他执政党绝不出尔反尔;8过渡期结束之后如果多党竞选的条件还不成熟,那么应该由议会讨论决定是否延长过渡期年限。这些具体方案都是宪法性文件,具有各界不可凌越的法律地位。



Jan 01

While it is widely reported that Hamas have fired 122mm Grad rockets into Israel, an upgrade from the Qassam, few media have gone further and stated that the new rockets were Chinese-made.

Simple Google searches seem to suggest the reason very few media outlets have made the Chinese connection is because this is somewhat dubious:

– According to Wikipedia the Soviet designed Grad rockts have been profliferated to over 50 counntries, with over a dozon countries manufacturing them.

– None of China’s 122mm Grad rockets were ever exported according to SinoDefense.com: 1) Type 81-90 rockets were never successfuly exported and was decommissioned in the 1990’s; 2) Closest spec’ed WS rocket, WS-1E, never entered production.

So it is a mystery how did Hamas ever get their hands on supposed Chinese-made rocked when it doesn’t exist.

Dec 25

In recent statements (http://blog.beliefnet.com/news/2008/12/dalai-lama-talks-of-complete-r.php), the Dalai Lama has strongly implied that he might retire from politics completely. I’m not sure how seriously to take this sort of talk—I tend to think it’s more likely that he’s sort of testing the waters.

However, if it turns out that he really does retire from politics, I wonder if that might not end up being better for the Tibetan movement in the long run. I think that the fundamental problem with the negotiations between Beijing and the Dalai Lama so far is that they are not interested in negotiating on the same subject. The Dalai Lama wants to negotiate on behalf of the Tibetan people for political reforms in Tibet. The government in Beijing has never said they wanted to talk about that; instead, they have said they will negotiate about the Dalai Lama’s personal status. If the Dalai Lama gives up his political role and leaves it to the exile prime minister to have political negotiations, then maybe it will become possible for him to start negotiations with Beijing regarding his personal status. That is, he might actually be able to return to Tibet as an individual. By doing so, he might be able to create a degree of trust and goodwill which would eventually make political reforms possible.

The tricky part that remains, though, is that the Dalai Lama can give up his political role, but I don’t think he can retire from his religious role. In order to return, he would probably need some kind of reliable assurances that there would be reduced political interference in Tibetan religion. Most importantly, how could he return to Tibet if he thought the CCP would still control the selection and education of the next Dalai Lama?

Dec 19

By BI Yantao, China

Today(December 19), Lianhe Zaobao (《联合早报》), a mainstream Chinese newspaper based in Singapore, reported that since this October on, teachers in Sichuan, Chongqing, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Hunan, Hubei, Guangdong went on strike to demand a salary raise.

Dec 19






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Teachers Strikes Spread Across China

By BI Yantao, China

Since late September on, teachers in Sichuan, Chongqing, Inner Mongolia, Shannxi, Hunan, Hubei, Henan, Shandong, Guangdong, Heilongjiang, Fujian, Liaoning went on strike, demanding a salary raise. Both the central governments and the local governments across the country are on guard at the moment.

Dec 19

Would an Indian reporter write about Western savages eating the holly cows,
Or Muslim reporter write about Western infidels eating pigs?
Taking matters out of cultural context, this piece of “news” is aimed at nothing but to demonize and dehumanize China, typical craft of the free press spin master.


* China pet lovers protest cats as food Slideshow: China pet lovers protest cats as food
By WILLIAM FOREMAN, Associated Press Writer William Foreman, Associated Press Writer – Thu Dec 18, 9:06 pm ET

GUANGZHOU, China – While animal lovers in Beijing protested the killing of cats for food on Thursday, a butcher in Guangdong province — where felines are the main ingredient in a famous soup — just shrugged her shoulders and wielded her cleaver. “Cats have a strong flavor. Dogs taste much better, but if you really want cat meat, I can have it delivered by tomorrow,” said the butcher, who gave only her surname, Huang.

It was just this attitude that outraged about 40 cat lovers who unfurled banners in a tearful protest outside the Guangdong government office in Beijing. Many were retirees who care for stray felines they said were being rounded up by dealers.

“We must make them correct this uncivilized behavior,” said Wang Hongyao, who represented the group in submitting a letter urging the provincial government to crack down on traders and restaurants, although they were breaking no laws.

The protest was the latest clash between age-old traditions and the new sensibilities made possible by China\’s growing affluence. Pet ownership was once rare because the Communist Party condemned it as bourgeois and most people simply couldn’t afford a cat or dog.

The protesters’ indignation was whipped up by recent reports in Chinese newspapers about the cat meat industry. On Monday, the Southern Metropolis Daily — a Guangdong paper famous for its exposes and aggressive reporting — ran a story that said about 1,000 cats were transported by train to Guangdong each day.

The animals came from Nanjing, a major trading hub for cats, the newspaper said. They were brought to market by dealers on motorcycles, crammed into wooden crates and sent to Guangdong on trains. A photo showed a cat with green eyes peering from a crowded crate.

Some people in Nanjing spend their days “fishing for cats,” often stealing pets, the report said.

One cat owner in Guanghzou said people are afraid to let their pets leave the house for fear they will get nabbed.

“It’s never been this bad. Who knows, it might be because of the bad economy. I’ve heard that there are cat-nabbing syndicates from Hunan that are rounding up cats,” said the man, who would only give his surname, Lai, because he feared the cat business might be run by gangsters.

Animal protection groups have occasionally ambushed truck convoys loaded with bamboo cages filled with cats bound for Guangdong. In one recent case, hundreds of cats escaped after their cages were opened, though hundreds more remained penned in the vehicle.

Lai Xiaoyu, who was involved in the attempted “rescue,” said authorities couldn’t stop the cat shipment because the traders said the animals were to be raised as pets.

“The police did what they could, but there’s little they can do to stop or punish those traders from shipping live animals,” Lai said.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA, issued a statement Thursday decrying the cruel treatment.

“China has no animal protection laws, and throughout the country scores of cats and dogs are bred or rounded up, crammed onto trucks and driven for days under hellish conditions to animal markets, where they are beaten to death, strangled or boiled alive,” said a spokesman for the group, Michael V. McGraw.

Guangdong is home to the Cantonese people, famous for being the most adventurous eaters in China. There\’s a popular saying: “The Cantonese will eat anything that flies, except airplanes, and anything with legs, except a chair.”

Zhu Huilian, a nutrition and food safety professor at Sun Yat-Sen University in Guangdong’s capital, Guangzhou, said people usually eat cat in restaurants, not at home.

“There’s a famous soup called ‘Dragon, Tiger and Phoenix,'” Zhu said. “It involves cooking snake, cat and chicken together. In winter more people eat cats as they believe it’s extra nutritious.”

The wide-ranging Cantonese culinary tastes are on display daily in Guangzhou, also known as Canton, in the Qing Ping Market. Shopkeepers sit behind cages full of writhing snakes, tubs with turtles and plastic basins with mounds of scorpions crawling over each other.

That’s where the butcher, Huang, sells her meat, sliced on a blood-soaked cutting board in a stall filled with cages of chickens and rabbits.

Hanging on a hook from its head — with its snout cut cleanly off — was a skinned dog with a long curly tail, paws with small clumps of fur still on them and black claws. The dog’s jaw bone was displayed in a metal tray beneath the carcass.

“The cat meat we sell comes from legitimate sources,” said Huang, who gave only her surname because her boss doesn’t allow her to speak to reporters. “It’s from cat farms. The animals are raised the same way cows are.”

She said cat meat sold for about $1.32 a pound, while dog meat was cheaper, at about 95 cents a pound. Chicken was the best buy at 62 cents a pound, while lamb sold for about $1.32.

Huang said customers had to order cat meat a day in advance because it doesn’t sell as well as dog.

“Cat tastes a bit like lamb. I don’t like it much,” she said. “Young cats are tender, but the meat on the older ones is really tough. Usually old people like eating it.”


Associated Press writer Gillian Wong in Beijing, researchers Xi Yue in Beijing and Ji Chen in Shanghai, and Carley Petesch in New York contributed to the report.

Dec 15

The post “Is there a moral crisis in China?” made me curious about couple of “Ethical” or “Moral” issues that is going on in China that is being talked about in the rest of the world.

Morals have different standards with different countries and cultures. But with the world becoming more flat, these moral/ethical issues are being talk about today.

In my Ethics class I need to write a research paper on anything ethical issues and I thought I’d write it on China, specifically on Governmental Control of the Internet(The Great Wall), and how the Chinese government can freely tap your phone calls and monitor whatever you do on the internet and have access to your personal information.
By American Standards that is a violation of our Privacy Rights ergo by American standards, it is unethical… But how about in China… is it considered unethical for the government to do so?

I am curious on what are your opinions on this issue?
And please indicate if it is ok if I use you as a source in my paper…

Dec 13

China is at a critical intersection. As a communication researcher, I am sure it is the high time to stand up and take whatever responsibility I can.

To a great extent, China’s future will be shaped by its civil society. But what is the true situations China’s civil society is trapped in? What are their hardships and expectations? What roles and functions should the civil society perform in China’s development? How should China’s current policies regarding the civil society be redesigned to ensure China’s sustainable development?

To answer these questions, I am planning an independent research project from the perspective of political communication. My hypothesis is that China’s civil society will grow at a greater pace in the near future, and that a stronger civil society will definitely speed up China’s transition. I was hoping to travel around China to interview activists, academics, newsworkers and politicians, focusing on China’s policies regarding NGOs, religion, minorities, news media, etc. , and on the interactions between the political society and the civil society in China.

If everything goes well, my project will start before this Chinese New Year. I am ready to take any unavoidable risk.

If you are interested in this project, if you are hoping to join us in any possible form , if you are willing to offer me any kind of assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact me via bytaishan@sina.com.

Dec 10

The London 2012 web-site (www.london2012.com ) proudly proclaims that athletes staying at the Olympic Village will have easy access to the travel and leisure facilities of the adjacent Stratford City complex, and the High Speed Javelin shuttle service will link the Village to central London in just seven minutes.

Just seven minutes away – a young person growing up in a structured society like China’s being so suddenly exposed to one of
the most permissive in the world.

The following are Hogarthian moral disasters that are all too conceivable given the reality of original sin and the frailty of our human nature:

A young Chinese athlete from a traditional home could catch a sexually-transmitted disease in one of the brothels or lap-dancing clubs or sleazy pick-up joints that have become so flagrantly in your face in London.

He or she could acquire a taste for cannabis, so readily available on the streets of London following its reclassification. That is not as inconceivable as it sounds. A young athlete with time on their hands after being knocked out of their event could fall prey to the temptation to try something as manifestly non-perfor mance-enhancing.

He or she could get drawn into a peer-group of native teenagers who take them out on a drinking binge.

He or she could incur a gambling debt at the one of the tawdry casinos that the last decade has spawned and get sucked into a web of corruption leading them to throw their event in a deal with a seedy book-maker.

He or she, heaven forbid, could get involved in a knife-fight outside a night-club.Just seven minutes away for a young person with a soul to destroy and time to be killed.

The Chinese authorities would be advised to appoint the equivalent of a 1950s-style hospital Matron to keep an eye on the girls and for the boys the equivalent of a National Service Sergeant-Major. Though liberals may jeer that this comes straight out of an Ealing Comedy conjuring up images of Hatty Jakes tweaking some poor chinagirl’s ear, actually this is simply common sense.

Proper supervision of young athletes in London should be strongly supported by the Christian community in China. There are now estimated to be 130 million Christians in China, more than the population of the United Kingdom. There is a good chance Christians will be represented in Team China. If one of them were to get involved in moral corruption whilst in London and that were to get into the newspapers, both the deed and its exposure would be terrible for them and for their fellow Chinese Christians.

It would make life far harder for the Christian community in China who would get tarred with the brush of Western decadence. In fact, damage to the Christian cause would be bad for the Chinese nation as a whole because the growth of Christianity is its only realistic hope of developing a political culture of freedom under the rule of law.

London churches are in a position to provide support and hospitality in Christ’s name for Chinese athletes staying in the Olympic Village in 2012 and God willing that will be welcomed by the Chinese authorities.

In the Caligula film-set that 21^st century London is increasingly becoming, they would be well-advised to take the moral support that is being offered.

Julian Mann is vicar of the Parish Church of the Ascension, Oughtibridge, South Yorkshire www.oughtibridgechurch.org.uk

Dec 09

The Age of Enlightenment was the age of reason. The rise of reason over tradition in the past 200 years led to the empowerment of the individual and the belief in technological and social progress.

Reason, according to the Oxford Dictionary, refers to the power of the mind to think, understand and form judgements logically.

The concept of reason has two implications.

The first is that the individual HAS the ability to think, understand and form judgements logically. The second is that the individual SHOULD think, understand and form judgements logically.

Therefore, human freedom is NOT that we can do whatever we want. Rather, it is our ability to act according to reason. To act according to reason and reason alone affirms our autonomy, and thus our freedom.

But what is to act according to reason? It is essentially to act sensibly and rationally. To act nonsensibly or irrationally is to act against reason.

We can formulate a moral law: you should act sensibly and rationally.

Therefore, it is right to act sensibly and rationally and it is wrong to act nonsensibly or irrationally.

But how do you apply this moral law?

Let’s look at an example that happened in Shanghai.

Let’s say someone was abused by one police office or some police officers. He became angry at the police. He got into a police station and killed six police officers. He was convicted for the murders and executed.

You somehow consider him a hero.

I think you are wrong to think that. It is not reasonable that you think that. It is in fact nonsensible and irrational to think that.

I would reason this way.

After he was abused by a police officer, he should have reported the abuse to the police officer’s boss or a disciplinary board. The superior officer or the board either took up his case or didn’t.

If the boss or the board took up the case and resolved the complaint to his favor, then he should be satisfied with the outcome.

If the boss or the board didn’t take up his case or came down partially, he could still report the case to the boss’s boss.

If the boss’s boss didn’t care either, he might try something else, like the media, the Internet, etc…

But killing six unrelated police officers were nonsensible and irrational because they did not commit the abuse. Even if he could assume many or most police officers were corrupt, it was still nonreasonable to assume that six somehow deserved their fate.

Therefore he acted nonsensibly and irrationally. He was wrong. It was right convict him for his crimes.

Now you consider him a hero. It is nonsensible and irrational for you to think that. It is not sensible and rational to stand with the criminal rather than with the victims. Yes, the six killed police officers are victims. Their families are victims as well.

If you resent these six police officers just because some other police officers committed abuse, then you are unreasonable. Therefore, you are wrong.

If you know you are wrong and insist on it, you are not acting freely. Rather you are acting against reason.

If everyone acts like that, then we will lose our freedom because when everyone acts nonsensibly or irrationally, our freedom cannot be safeguarded.

Nov 30

Along the same line of amusing reporting, have you noticed the treatment being given to Mumbai “terror attack”? On-the-surface comparison seems to be night-and-day when compared to the “uprising” that occured in Lhasa:

– No scrutiny of why the attacked occured. It’s reported as “terror” rather than “uprising”

– Liber and verbatim reporting of the Indian government’s positions, including that attack of such maganitude must be foreign inspired, when domestic group have claimed responsibility

– Ample showing of victims, property damages, candal light vigil by the citizens

In contrast, my first recollection of seeing chared building, images of shopgirls torched alive in Lhasa was on anti-CNN, not CNN.

Nov 20








Cross posted at That’s Impossible.

Nov 18

Living here in United States, I have become more and more exposed to certain racial problems and issues.
It seems like many Chinese women/men have no problem immigrate here and marry a white/black man. But there are some Chinese Americans and Asian Americans believe that these people who marry white people is catering to the “White Priviledge” and encouraging many other people of our race to worship the white culture.
What do you guys think? Do you believe it to be a problem? or do you have a problem seeing a Chinese gal/guy with a White gal/guy?

Nov 10

minipost-Where are the theaters?

Written by: chinajon | Filed under:-guest-posts, -mini-posts, culture | Tags:
1 Comment » newest

This is my first post. 😀

I saw a few movie theaters in Shenzhen, but compared to other places I have been, and to the number of people who are in China, I would think that movie theaters would be a booming business. Making movies is a long standing actiity in China.

Hong Kong makes a lot of movies.

So, I put the question:

Why are there so few movie theaters?


Nov 01

(h/t to Kiwi Blog)

New Zeland recently granted honorary citizenship to Yan Yongmin(闫永明), ex-CEO of Golden Horse Pharmaceutical, wanted for embezzling 100 million RMB (20 million RMB was finally returned by NZ authority after 4 years.)

what happened? It seems Falun Gong NZ, who is on the take from Yan, claims he might be persecuted if returned, and worked with couple NZ politicans, who are also on the take from Yan, to work the magic.

Oct 31

Being a first generation immigrant, I sometimes wonder what right do I have as a Chinese/Taiwanese American to voice my opinion on Chinese/Taiwanese politics. Seems like every forum I join, I always get accused of because I am an “American” I just don’t get it. Of course being at a young age of 24, I took it as a personal attack. These last few months I have been part of this group at www.udn.com, but I have to keep my mouth shut because whenever I disagree with their opinion, they just say you just too ignorant because you are an American. Continue reading »