Sep 01

In English

Written by admin on Monday, September 1st, 2008 at 11:05 pm
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The increase in inequality in China has leveled off in recent years and could be less severe than previously thought, suggesting that Beijing is starting to make progress in tackling one of its biggest social problems.

Author explains why the West should embrace—rather than fear—the next superpower.

Looking for parallels to Haiti’s catastrophe, many point to China.  The author went back to Sichuan six months after the catastrophe and was amazed at the speed of physical and economic recovery.

On why the norm of the Internet may not be laissez-faire, but fragmentation of community along linguistic and national lines.

On how China has prospered through peace, established a framework for future peace – and on how the present form of government may present the best guarantee of preserving peace.

Blaming China now for destroying the world won’t help future negotiations nor get the world on track to developing new low-carbon economies  nor dissuade China from its mission to lead the world in clean development.

Interesting op-ed on British, American, Russian, and Japanese imperialism in East Asia in the early-mid 20th century.

There has been a lot of accusations by some that the world economic crisis has been caused by China.  Here are some good readings for those initiated enough to learn more about reality.

From the toilet to music to science, our world may be more interconnected than you think!

Advice to empire builders: learn from Byzantine not Rome.

The best friend a blogger can have is a good enemy. Your friends will, perhaps, read through your posts and make a few comments. But only an enemy will read through your entire argument, for free, finding every error and questionable statement.

China’s strange mixture of state intervention, markets, dictatorship, and efficiency is puzzling. But it’s time to stop hoping for China’s failure and start understanding and adapting to its success.

According to the article, it’d be so much better for India and China to slowly forge a constructive pan-Asian consensus and do away with the “post-colonial baggage” that animates the current Sino-Indian border dispute.

Ever wondered what China’s Hu would really like to tell Obama on the sidelines of the upcoming G-20 meeting? Here is an entertaining take…

An Xinjiang Native studying in the U.S. for his Ph.D. shares his thoughts on this summer’s violence and its fallout.

In a trend that will change the country, leadership of China’s Communist Party is slowly passing from functionaries trained in engineering to those educated in softer sciences like law.

Progress in use of the yuan will depend not just on Chinese government initiatives, but on how much more competitive China’s exporters can become.

It is time to look anew at a reopened Eurasia under the growing influence of China’s re-emergence. For those whose objective is long-term geopolitical equilibrium, this is a dynamic to acknowledge, monitor and support.

Some clarifications are needed about the many misinformation that has come about since the Urumqi riots.

China may be enjoying its new found role as a leader engine of International growth. Playing this role will however not be easy…

Asia’s emerging economies are leading the way out of recession; the tough part now is to make their recovery last.

I’ve always felt that genocide is a term that is overused by the West as a geopolitical propaganda pawn. Here is a case where the West cries foul when Russia plays the game.

China faces enormous challenges. It is not yet the leader of the global economy, but it’s getting there.

Japanese strategist Kenichi Ohmae discusses why closer (economic) integration with the mainland is a matter of survival for Taiwan.

One view of what we can learn about the media – both Chinese and Western – from their coverage of the recent Xinjiang riots.

Rwanda’s Paul Kagame Charts A Way Forward.

Taiwan and Mainland leaders exchange 1st direct messages between CCP and KMT since CCP tookover the mainland in 1949.

When Xue Longlong’s academic records vanished in Wubu, he lost out on a high-paying job, and the woman he hoped to marry abandoned him.

Heyrat Niyaz – a Uyghur journalist, blogger, and AIDS activist – tells of how he tried to warn officials that “blood would flow” in Urumchi on July 5 and gives his thoughts about the background to the ethnic rioting.

China’s perspectives on Xinjiang, by Fu Ying, China’s ambassador to the UK.

On why Asia’s (and China’s) Rise is by no means guaranteed…

Rising tensions and resistance to Beijing’s control challenge China’s ‘harmonious’ society

A two year-old debate that is nevertheless reminiscent of many of the ideological clashes we’ve had here on Fool’s Mountain.

Is the fall of communist ideology responsible for China’s ethnic strife today?

Should Asians’ alleged over-saving and under-consuming habits be blamed for causing the global financial crisis?

Through a combination of carrots and sticks, Beijing is starting to change how this country generates energy.

According to this NY Times Op-Ed, unless the U.S. gets its fiscal house in order, relations with China will be fundamentally unstable.

Everyone – including Hillary Clinton – seems to have a take on 6-4. Here may be a slightly more realistic version.

Auto sales are rising in China – but electric bike sales growth are even larger.

What does liberty mean for the Chinese people?  Here is a small sample.

20 Years After Tiananmen, Beijing Tolerates a Safer Wave of Protest.

World’s largest political party has maintained power by transforming itself and its relationship with the Chinese public.

The Obama administration hailed talks by the US special envoy to Sudan in Beijing to discuss the Darfur region and a peace agreement between the African country’s north and south.

To see China’s holdings as a threat to the U.S. is to misjudge the goals of the Chinese government.

Chinese officials have drafted automotive fuel economy standards that are even more stringent than those outlined by President Obama last week.

Should China be taken at her word that she wants to be a status quo power, not a revolutionary power?

China’s efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions are “impressive” and often underestimated.

Closer economic integration between Mainland and Taiwan creates win-win situation for everyone.

Can GM’s China operations become too successful for GM’s own good?

China has emerged in the past two years as the world’s leading builder of more efficient, less polluting coal power plants.

Can India and China resolve their territorial disputes?

National Geographic on the tapestry of the modern and old in Modern Tibet.

Envoys from Mainland and Taiwan agree to continue to expand air links and promote mainland Chinese investment on the island in the latest step forward.

China’s autosales exceeds U.S. sales for the third month in a row.

New laws are only part of the reason that fewer Chinese children are being adopted by families in the U.S.

UHV lines may be ideal for bringing electricity from remote areas. All eyes are on a big test in China.

That is one of the great things with China: We do not know what this dragon in the East is going to do.

As in everything to do with International Law/Politics, sovereignty is a concept based on realism. The article also explains that sovereignty can come in degrees, commensurate with the relative powers of various relevant states.

China’s economy continues to grow despite the global receission, providing a bright spot even for companies not benefiting from Beijing’s consumption-boosting initiatives.

An American tries to parse through the thick forest of rhetoric that is modern Tibet.

In China, Liu Yan Still Dances in Her Dreams.

Treasury did not find that any major trading partner had manipulated its exchange rate for the purposes of preventing effective balance of payments adjustment or to gain unfair competitive advantage.

For Skating’s Championships, a Chinese Pair Plots a Tango; From Stony Silences to Seductive Gazes

Time on China’s plans to dramatically reform its health care system.

China and France announced an agreement to restore high-level contacts and promote cooperation following a lengthy spat over Tibet sparked by the French president’s meeting with the Dalai Lama.

Can a one-party system take on characteristics of democracy?

Zbigniew Brzezinski, Polish-American geostrategist, US National Security Advisor under president Jimmy Carter, on Sino-U.S. Relations in the 21st century.

How revival of Buddhism in China may lead to political reconciliations amongst Mainland China, Taiwan, and exiled Tibetans.

The Great Depression made the United States the world’s unquestioned financial leader. The current crisis can do the same for China.

Sheldon Richman on why continued Chinese purchase of U.S. bonds is a lose-lose for everyone.

Economist sees a China asserting itself—carefully (article recommended in part to illuminate pervasive Western bias against / fear of China).

The World Bank cut its forecast for China’s growth this year to 6.5%.

Are China’s leaders turning the current economic crisis to competitive advantage?

A year after the riots, people are still scared, and the economy is still depressed … but the city is looking to prosper soon again.

McKinsey hypothesizes on what the world order will look like in 2040.

A story of how Lhasa residents are still trying to recover from the deadly March riots last year and the year-long recession since.

Justin Raimondo examines the U.S. domestic politics of Sinophobia in light of the recent U.S.-China scuffle in the South China Sea.

Taiwan and Mainland China are in the midst of negotiating a comprehensive free-trade agreement.

Vanguard correspondent Mariana van Zeller travels to Angola to investigate China’s rapidly growing presence in Africa.

Though still poor on a per capita basis, China nevertheless seems to have overtaken Germany as the 3rd largest economy in the world in 2007, much earlier than expected.

A rebuttal on why General Toshio Tamogami had it wrong that Japan was a non-aggressor in WWII.

Review of a book on everyday lives of migrant women in China’s world factories

On a Chinese electric car company with sight set to surpass GM and Toyota and become a world leader in electric-vehicle technology.

Reflecting 30 years of US-Sino Relationship from an American perspective.

Economist takes a gloomy look at China’s prospects in 2009.

Quick Pocketbook Reference on China’s 30-year “Economic Miracle.”

China is often depicted as a dirty polluter.  But China is also fast building a green tech industry as well.  Here is one example.

An American asks whether a revival of Confucian values can help to lead the way of a morally just China.

Reflecting upon Deng’s legacy of allowing 1/4 of then humanity to rejoin mainstream world development.

A call for the next U.S. president to put in place an architecture of peace for the 21st century.

Unclassified report from the National Intelligence Council on how key global trends might shape and influence world events in the next 15 years.

Can all conflicts be reduced … down to the single factor of population growth?

A Taiwanese firm tries at selling low-cost quality health care to Mainland China’s masses.

Beichuan official Zhang Kangqi lives in his office. The focal point of the room is a pencil drawing of the family he lost on May 12.

Exiled Tibetans should address three strategies which Chinese hardliners may pursue.

Five years ago, I had the missionary complex to help change China.  Today I feel honored to be simply on the sidelines observing these extraordinary times…

China is stunningly bad at managing her reputation. Here’s one perspective why.

Ever wondered why “Tibet” is always “good” and “China” is always “bad”? Here is an answer.

Sluggish Productivity, Low Rural Incomes Raise Concerns Over Long-Term Growth; A Question of Property Rights

The prosperity of the United States and China depends on further integrating China into the global economic system, according to Henry Paulson.

Even-keeled summary of the current state of relation (as of early October 2008) between the Mainland and Taiwan.

All members of 2008 team cleared of underage allegations – but two members from 2000 team still under investigation.

Malaysia’s long simmering sinophobia may yet lead to a new era of multiculturalism.

White paper issued by the Information Office of China’s State Council on 2008-09-25.

Scholar tells skeptical audience that claims by Tibetan exiles of Chinese cultural discrimination are greatly exaggerated.

China’s mid-autumn festival:One derivatives market still thrives

Li Taige considers the lessons learned during the Beijing Games and sees progress emerging from the Olympics.

Two idealistic Taiwanese businessmen happened into the most rural part of China and thought: Let’s bring it from the 15th century to the 21st.

WHAT is the single most important price in the world? Chinese wages.

By Badeng Nima from Kham Aid Foundation Education Programs

Two Games, equal splendor! (h/t: Rocking Offkey)

Hot chefs rarely use it in ‘fusion’; upscale Chinese spots are hard to find.

Studies Suggest Many of Our Political Choices May Be Traced to Genetic Traits.

FALSE beliefs are everywhere.

In response to Tony Martin.

A Chinese government committee said that a rush to build schools during the country’s recent economic boom might have led to shoddy construction that resulted in the deaths of thousands of students during the Sichuan earthquake.

Western media is biased, but it can’t hide it anymore.

How a Secret CIA Campaign Against China 50 Years Ago Continues to Fester; A Role for Dalai Lama’s Brother.

“Zen Shaolin,” a music, dance and martial arts show, has a cast of 500 in a remote valley in China.

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2 Responses to “In English”

  1. Shane9219 Says:

    NYT: Asia’s Recovery Highlights China’s Ascendance


  2. Shane9219 Says:

    TheDailyMail: The US-China nexus

    By Henry A. Kissinger


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