Sep 21

(Letter)Special food for special people?

Written by guest on Sunday, September 21st, 2008 at 8:30 am
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Found a disturbing link in CDT about the last tainted food scandal in China. What do you think about it?


China Digital Times » China’s Tainted Food Products Only Harm the Average People, High-Ranking Officials Have Their Own Specially-Supplied Food Sources.pdf (543 KB)

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2 Responses to “(Letter)Special food for special people?”

  1. Charles Liu Says:

    You think Donald Trump and Dick Cheney eat the same double cheese burger off the Dollar Menu like we do?

  2. Charles Liu Says:

    Well, this “special food” news has turned out to be a lie:




    The rumor wasn’t even about supplying “special food” to the government officials, but some fake congratulation abou a dude named “Zhu Yongyeh who allegedly said something about supplying food to CCP retiree activity center (those government centers all over China where retired soilders play mahjong.)

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