Feb 14
“Just what else do you want?” Chinese Vice President, Xi JinPing, talking tough to foreigners
Written by guest on Saturday, February 14th, 2009 at 3:08 am
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In a speech by Mr. Xi, China’s next top-leader on waiting, to members of the overseas Chinese community in Mexico. Xi proudly reiterated that China has already made its biggest contribution to the world by feeding its own 1.3 billion population during the financial crisis, and warned that “there are a few foreigners, with full stomachs, have nothing better to do than try to be backseat drivers of our country’s own affairs.”
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“China does not export revolution, hunger, poverty, nor does China cause you any headaches,” Xi said indignantly. “Just what else do you want?” (Here is one of the few websites that still have video of Xi’s speech; other mainland sites have taken down the footage.)
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February 14th, 2009 at 8:47 am
Lately, the current and coming generation of Chinese leaders have shown some assertiveness when dealing with the West. This is a real sign of confidence. China is reshaping the world and good things will come, because the World has also been tired of US walking with a big stick, messing up things everywhere.
February 14th, 2009 at 9:58 am
I’m happy that you mention not just the US and China, but also the world, though the world might not necessarily agree with the leadership of any of these countries.
February 14th, 2009 at 10:10 am
We are in a multi-pole world now. China provides solid and constructive alternatives to the monopoly of West and US in particular, both politically and enconomically. That offers some balance to our current trouble world, so good things are coming !
February 14th, 2009 at 11:11 am
“China does not export revolution, hunger, poverty, nor does China cause you any headaches,” Xi said indignantly. “Just what else do you want?”
These ruling vampires need blood. They live in caves covered with their own droppings. Darkness and stench are their covers and protection, not sun light nor fragrant blossoms. They have eyes but do not see, their ears listen intently only to the echo of their own sonar squeaks. Neither the majestic sounds of waves, of gentle breeze nor the songs of happy birds, or the joyous symphony of the living jungle will ever sweeten their emotions or soften their callous hearts.
Parasites do what parasites do. Scavengers do not hunt, they just feed off others efforts. And blood suckers suck the life blood out of others.
February 14th, 2009 at 11:23 am
So, unlike the past the CCP isn’t presently starving its citizens? Dim praise in a world of 6.8 billion where 6.79 billion aren’t starving. And what about clean air and water? Very important but in very short supply.
It’s true that no one cares what foreigners think. What is important is what Chinese citizens think, though they aren’t allowed to say.
No air, no water, no say. No one understands the problem?
February 14th, 2009 at 12:08 pm
there are a few foreigners, with full stomachs
Oh, that’s all down to China is it? And I take it that only a minority of Chinese have full stomachs so we should be grateful for what we have?
Does this guy have a stick crammed up his backside, or is he just racist?
have nothing better to do than try to be backseat drivers of our country’s own affairs
God forbid anyone giving a damn about others. After all, in China you look out for number 1, the concept of community is dead and the very idea about criticising how other people are treated is laughable. (end sarcasm)
does China cause you any headaches
Lol, of course it does! There’s a number of things not limited to blocking sanctions on regimes like Iran and Zimbabwe that need dealing with, ever increasing CO2 emissions even as some developed states are trying to limit theirs and giving democratic nations like the US a horrible dilemma over Taiwan, of pissing off a large country like China and leaving a democracy open to bullying/possible invasion by China.
China is reshaping the world and good things will come, because the World has also been tired of US walking with a big stick, messing up things everywhere.
Shane, I disagree. The main countries welcoming China’s influence in the world are nations who don’t want action taken against them for their human rights abuses or simply dislike the US.
Find me the democracies of the world who are excited about China’s international “leadership”. As far as I can see there aren’t any, because real democracies can see that China offers no leadership, just attempts to push things the way it wants it. China has found no successful solutions in how to deal with Iran or North Korea, yet it insists that it must agree to any action taken otherwise it will veto it in the UNSC. In that respect China is no better than the US, because at the moment it doesn’t have the same amount of military muscle.
February 14th, 2009 at 5:17 pm
“China is reshaping the world and good things will come, because the World has also been tired of US walking with a big stick, messing up things everywhere.”
Care to explain how this makes sense? Firstly, you are claiming that China will become more influential because it does not attempt to influence – this is a non-sequitor. Secondly, you are claiming that this will be good because the US is bad – this is also a non-sequitor. More likely, as China becomes more powerful she will also become more interventionist. Even the briefest review of Chinese history between 1949 and 1980 showed that there was much exporting of “revolution, hunger, [and] poverty” , and even now China causes headaches by her support for the regimes in Sudan, Zimbabwe and Burma (Myanmar).
February 14th, 2009 at 5:27 pm
Raj: first, you need to teach yourself some history.
China’s slights and struggles started in 19th century, when she descented into chaos due to repeated foreign invasion and civil wars. She lost control on her own territories and could no longer support its own population. That led to various issues such as Tibet, HongKong, Macao and Taiwan etc
Raj: during the same period of time, India did not fair any better. Indian was ruled and served her master, GB, well, if you remember. China at least was an independent country on paper. So I don’t understand if there was anything you could LOL when facing the history of your own ancestors.
There is no single way of development on this world as history repeatedly tells us. So does democracy. China is not going to follow Western ideologies blindly. She will find its way forward if her past 30 years is any indication.
Raj: India and China have much to learn from each other and shared a period of painful memory in their history. Unlike India, China will not follow the Western model blindly because her own history and culture. She is brave enough to tell the world that she has now find her way. You can certianly LOL on her achievement.
February 14th, 2009 at 5:36 pm
China is reshaping the world because of 1) her success on the development of 1.3 billion people, the largest population, 2) the size of her enconomy, and 3) the way she deals with the world. She is becoming one of the world leaders and certainly a leader of developing countries.
February 14th, 2009 at 6:29 pm
” China causes headaches by her support for the regimes in Sudan, Zimbabwe and Burma (Myanmar).”
That statement is wrong. China says the internal conflicts and affair of these countries should be dealed firstly by their own people, and secondly through international bodies like UN.
The fact that you and many others did not pay any attention to what China says is the evidence that such debate has been historically a monoply of West.
February 14th, 2009 at 8:24 pm
The world wants you to stop oppressing and killing your people, so you can amass a fortune off of their slave labor.
And you Chinese Americans are despicable and foolish to support such a regime. My proof? The fear you would feel the day you’re forcibly sent to China.
February 14th, 2009 at 8:27 pm
In all fairness, China isn’t going around invading countries and killing hundreds of thousands of civilians. If the US wants world stability, maybe it should stop starting wars? Just a thought.
February 14th, 2009 at 8:34 pm
“After all, in China you look out for number 1”
That’s coming from an Indian? In India they have slavery and caste in the 21st century. I’m not talking about low paid factory work characterized as slavery, but true one human owns another slavery. I have travelled the world and you have no conception of social inequality until you go to India. Raj, seriously, do not throw stones if you live in a glass house.
“regimes like Iran and Zimbabwe that need dealing with”
So China’s fault is that they are not warmongering? Of all the things to criticize that’s the one you came up with? That’s what the world is missing right now? Are you out of your mind?
“ever increasing CO2 emissions even as some developed states are trying to limit theirs”
You are alleging that China emits more pollution than western countries? Again I ask, are you out of your f*cking mind? Where do get this nonsense? China may emit pollution but the levels are in no way comparable to those of the west.
Your posts are absurd and outrageous. Get a clue before you write again.
February 14th, 2009 at 9:40 pm
To Westerner:
There is no place for racist and white supremist, even in US.
West is historically a breeding ground for ultra-conservatism and ultra-liberalism. One form often replaces another. Ultra conservatist and ultra liberalist are basically the same: they desire and persue unlimited and unchecked self-interest. That is why this world keeps having troubles.
Do you need any proof? The old Western colonism, two world wars and current world-wide finance crisis started by wall-street.
February 14th, 2009 at 10:16 pm
That’s coming from an Indian?
No, it’s not coming from an Indian.
And it’s called sarcasm. That’s why I said “(end sarcasm)”
You are alleging that China emits more pollution than western countries?
I said “ever increasing”.
Are you deliberately misinterpreting what I wrote, or are you just slow?
February 15th, 2009 at 12:32 am
In China they will kill you in a heartbeat if you look at the government the wrong way, and charge your family for the bullet. China’s economic success is built by denying workers basic rights. I could be wealthy too if I set up a miserable sweatshop, but American labor laws won’t allow me. So why are you people rooting for such an evil country?
February 15th, 2009 at 12:46 am
Read this to learn about the economic “miracle”
February 15th, 2009 at 1:05 am
To Westerner:
Looks like you don’t know China that much, especially the modern China. The image you got is from those partial and distorted reports generated by some human rights group. To people originally coming from China, like myself, such image is laughable.
China is not a perfect place, but she is developing fast. Some western people, out of hatred of Communism or other motives, either refuse to recorgnize or get way far behind.
There are civil right violations every where. A short while ago, there was a wide-spread civil unrest in Oakland, CA because a guard shot a bullet and klled an innocent African American at a BART station.
February 15th, 2009 at 1:26 am
Please don’t go there regarding police shootings. In China the ruling authority kills with impunity, because people are too scared to protest. I dare you to go to China and write a critical blog. You’ll be in a reeducation camp the next day. China is a land where a tiny few live richly by robbing the masses of their rights. The economy is not one any other country would want, nor one any other country has the oppressive machine to administer. You are fools, absolute deluded fools for sitting in America and romanticizing a place you don’t understand. I only hope one of you is forced to go to China and live the life of an average Chinese person for a few months, so that you will learn the reality of China.
February 15th, 2009 at 1:39 am
OH my God…the uibiquitous China-bashing trolls are at it again.
Agree with your comments, but you are wasting your breath Shane. Bats only listen to their own squeaks.
February 15th, 2009 at 2:45 am
Do any of you actually live in China?
You people are unbelievable. You’re sitting here taking pride in oppression. Wow, that’s so impressive how you brutalize your poor people so Walmart and the Chinese government can split the profits. That’s so impressive how you starve your own people so a tiny few can have fortunes. That’s not an economy. Even the most impoverished African countries hope for more out of life than working 14 hours shifts for 35 cents an hour, to assemble junk. No one wants that model. It’s a blight on humanity. You should be ashamed at the depths your country sinks to to fatten the wallets of a tiny few.
It would be beautiful poetic justice if one you were forced to live life as an average citizen in your fantasy land.
February 15th, 2009 at 3:06 am
squeak squeak aqueaks
February 15th, 2009 at 3:32 am
I do…me, me, me. I live and work in China and I love it here.
February 15th, 2009 at 3:33 am
To Westerner:
Let me repeat: this is not a place for racist remark. If you are interested in factual based exchanges and stay humble, then read on …
+ I have homes in both US and China and travel freqently between two places. After years of education in US, my kid is further her study in China.
+ Everyday, there are thousands of teachers from US and Canada, teaching English in schools nation-wide from kindergartens to high schools,
+ China is projected to sale more passenger cars in 2009 than US, first time in history ..
+ To your surprise, GM is taking out of profits made in China to support its floudering operations in US …
+ Michael Phelps has to make an immediate and humble apology to fans in China after recent pot-smoking scandal, just to keep his $1M plus endorsement in China
You can see there is no need to romanticise China, but using simple facts. However, no need to bring out more facts if you wants to stay ignorant …
China is however still a developing country with a large rural farming population. Their lives have been improving fast too. China is implementing a universal healthcare system by spending $123 billions in next 2 years
February 17th, 2009 at 1:25 am
The guy just got drunk from a good drink the Mexican supplied. The guy had a Junior high at 16 and went to countryside to work in the field, He became a big leader and got a Fake PHd. degree. Don’t pay attention to a guy like that. They don’t choose good or smart people to be a leader.
February 17th, 2009 at 1:37 am
China is implementing a universal healthcare system by spending $123 billions in next 2 years
I can only say this is total lie.
Foreigners don’t know much about China. There is no election in China. No demonstration allowed,no free poll, no justice,only corruption. Most farmers and workers die because of no money for treatment. people with power have special hospital in a city, special unit in a hospital, special bed in a unit, everything is for people who have power. They even spent millions dollars to hire people to post everywhere to boost China’s image. People who post lies here has no shame of their doing.
Even that lie of 123 billions is true is not for normal people, and it is not true.
February 22nd, 2009 at 12:29 am
Chinese VP, Xi JinPing (Mr. JinPing Xi) had a successful governorship in both Fujian and Zhejiang Provinces, and guided 2008 Beijing Olympics well. So he has established a very good track record.
There is no fool-proof political system. The most important thing to a country and the wellbeing of its people is good governance. Good governance requires hardwork and wisdom from a leadership, as well as an experienced steady hand to guide a country through ups-and-downs with right policy at right time. In China, a top leader does not need to have a celebrity status, nor being good at speech or debate.
The strength of western democracies is the ability to transfer power smoothly from one leader to next, and a chance to start with a fresh policy when everyone got fed up. However, many countries struggle with details on election and candidate selection, especially when a county is highly divided and partisan. In a country with a large population, one-person-one-vote direct election may not be feasible. Candidate selection process may become a popular show like American Idol. Election politics may exaggerate difference that further divide a county and take huge emotional toll among politicians and population groups. Money and special interest group lobbying are two other critical issues.
I am not in defence of China’s current political system as being perfect or a model to follow for everyone. It at least works for China so far and still being experimented and tweaked here and there.
February 22nd, 2009 at 1:57 am
“In a country with a large population, one-person-one-vote direct election may not be feasible”
Percentage of voter turn-out will also be a critical issue in large countries.
February 22nd, 2009 at 7:15 am
In case you haven’t read recent news about China’s new healthcare plan, below is one 🙂
“Multinationals like IBM are watching closely on 850Billon RMB Healthcare Reform Plan”
March 1st, 2009 at 2:32 am
Chinese Premier Wen Jiaobao went online to answer questions from netizen
March 1st, 2009 at 2:43 am
more …
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