Feb 09

Dealing with the Activist Scoundrelism of the West

Written by: bianxiangbianqiao | Filed under:media, News | 165 Comments » newest

Throwing a shoe at Wen Jia Bao created very little arousal among the Chinese. Time has changed since the Olympics. One Chinese commenter on MITBBS was concerned about how the shoe-thrower walked out of the building on his way to jail bare-footed, in the snow falling in London at that time. Did the police lend him a shoe to remedy his uneven legs? Continue reading »

Feb 09

It’s reported US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner called his Chinese “counterpart” Vice Premier Wang Qishan.

There is a problem there. Geithner’s counterpart should be Finance Minister Xie Xuren.

From President Obama to Treasury Secretary Geithner, it’s only one level down.

From President Hu Jintao to Geithner’s real counterpart Xie, there are two more levels: Premier Wen Jiabao and Vice Premier for Trade
and Finance.

I won’t want to cut out Premier Wen’s job because China is too big. But I’ll definitely cut Vice Premier Wang Qishan out of the equation.