Jul 10
Ted Koppel on the People’s Republic of Capitalism
Written by Buxi on Thursday, July 10th, 2008 at 10:21 pm
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Most Chinese and Sinophiles are probably already aware of this, but here’s a reminder that Discovery channel is broadcasting a 4-part series, hosted by Ted Koppel, on the People’s Republic of Capitalism. (Part 2 will be broadcast tonight, Thursday July 10th.) The general consensus (from both Chinese and overseas viewers) seems to be: interesting, reasonably well-done, but not especially shocking or ground-breaking.
Courtesy of the Shanghaiist, here is Ted Koppel talking on Charlie Rose:
UPDATE: Courtesy of AC, here’s the full video of Ted Koppel on Charlie Rose. I believe his interview and comments are very interesting, probably better than the actual Discovery documentary itself.
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July 10th, 2008 at 10:22 pm
I think Ted Koppel does an excellent, very balanced job in this clip.
I do wish he had stood up to Charlie Rose, on the other hand, and said: “No Chuck, you’re nuts… no one is being arrested just for watching something they shouldn’t be watching on the Internet.”
July 11th, 2008 at 5:34 am
Want to see the entire show. Charlie Rose are usually quiet decent, especially in relativity to a lot others that’s on show.
July 11th, 2008 at 8:23 am
Just saw it tonight. Kopple went to too many night clubs and brothels.Typical Asian put down stuff, our media do it to Thailand all the time.
July 11th, 2008 at 12:19 pm
I have an issue with Koppel’s stat on demonstrations in China. As I recall, ESWN had a piece saying that the demonstration stat is vague at best because the definition is not clearly defined. For example, 2 people can create a demonstration or a street fight could be classified as such.
July 11th, 2008 at 2:21 pm
Full interview is available now:
July 11th, 2008 at 6:37 pm
Quite a lot of pessimism in the comments regarding China’s development. Not just the interview comments but pretty much every where I go that talks about this topic. If it’s not resources or pollution or overpopulation than it’s something else. I have to agree in part with the consensus. Resonably well-done but not ground breaking.
On the other hand, other Journalists do tend to take that route of turning something that’s already known into big news. Like in the States, every once in a while when something big happens, especially regarding race or religion, they go on to make journalistic documentaries regarding the whole ordeal (rather than the specific incident) which people already know it’s there. However, I realize that there is a target audience for almost every piece, despite what many people say.
Who would the target audience be for this work?
July 12th, 2008 at 4:22 am
I’m at mountain time, what time is the show? I can’t seem to find it now! Help? Thanks. =)
July 12th, 2008 at 4:59 am
It’s been on at 11 PM PST time.
July 12th, 2008 at 6:13 am
I’m watching tonight’s episode right now… starting with the scene showing Liberty Mutual at the car accident scene. How great was that traffic cop? Thought he did a great job. Just to clarify though, it’s not just Liberty Mutual that’s doing this. Every major car insurance company has teams of insurance adjusters just roaming Chinese cities.
Every time there’s an accident, cars involved stay put at the scene of the accident without pulling over (often blocking up traffic for miles and miles) until either traffic cops or insurance adjuster can give a verdict.
I don’t know if they go on to talk about medical claims… but medical claims related to accidents are handled the same way. If you (or someone else) gets hurt, everyone goes to the hospital and gets an immediate idea of medical costs. You either agree on a private settlement right there on the spot, or you go to the public security office… where an officer will hear both sides of the story and arbitrate a settlement. You don’t *have* to listen to the officer legally… but as far as I know, in most cases, they do.
My mom was in such an accident not long ago. Opened her taxi door and accidentally knocked down a girl passenger on a motorcycle… nothing too serious, scratches and an X-ray. My mom paid the costs out of hand. Everyone (including the cab driver) went down to the local precint. The officer heard everyone’s story, quickly/decisively told the taxi driver to give my mom a few hundred RMB (since it’s his “fault” for parking so far from the curb and not warning my mother about traffic), and then told him to drive everyone involved home.
Issue resolved.
July 14th, 2008 at 2:43 am
Too bad that I don’t have cable so I was unable to watch Ted Koppel’s documentry. I always liked Ted Koppel’s nightline as the content was different and interesting as he tries to be objectible and tries not to take sides. It seems that he did the same thing in his interview with Charlie Rose. I hope that I could see his documentry soon:)