Jul 05


Written by admin on Saturday, July 5th, 2008 at 4:59 am
Filed under:aside | Tags:
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We have enabled miniblogs to share simple news, facts and thoughts For readers who want to contribute but are daunted by the perspective of writing a “dissertation,” we hope this feature will help you get your feet wet.

MiniPosts, or Asides, are basically small blog posts. Sometimes an author just want to pass on small bits of information and does not want to write a full-blown post. They can do this by assigning those short notes as an (arbitrarily) special category of posts called miniposts. Those miniposts will be displayed differently from regular posts.

For our writers, all they have to do is to check a checkbox at the bottom of the post editing page and the miniposts will appear in the sidebar area.

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8 Responses to “Miniposts”

  1. BMY Says:

    Sorry, I get lost about this.

  2. admin Says:


    I added a short note of explanation. Please let me know if it makes sense to you now.

  3. BMY Says:


  4. Opersai Says:

    Great news! Though I didn’t notice it until I see stories on my google reader I couldn’t see on the site – confused me a little. IMO, the sidebar is a little too overloaded. Maybe having two column instead one will help?

  5. admin Says:


    Thanks, we are just experimenting this minipost feature. Let’s how it goes and then we may add one more column or adjust the width or the sidebar.

  6. opersai Says:

    It’s good idea to move the minipost in the main section. Much easier to read and find. Though, the color contrast for links on Miniposts are a little too hard to see. The blue and grey is a too close. Maybe consider a different color?

  7. opersai Says:

    Or maybe bold and black the title like normal post.

  8. admin Says:

    @ opersai,

    I adjusted the format of the minipost. Does it look better?

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