Aug 19

(Letter) Chinese Men’s Weightlifting Champion Was A Girl

Written by guest on Tuesday, August 19th, 2008 at 1:53 am
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You think after the underage gymnasts allegation, lip syncing, Han children dressed as minority, and modern warriors pretending to be ancient warriors at the opening ceremony, China’s Olympic woes can’t get any worse – think again.

According to a Chinanews report, men’s weightlifing champion Long Qinquan was a girl. During an interview family photos of Long dressed as a girl was produced:

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58 Responses to “(Letter) Chinese Men’s Weightlifting Champion Was A Girl”

  1. hotshotdebut Says:

    Is this post a bit misleading? The report didn’t say that she was a girl, but dressed in girl’s clothes.

  2. admin Says:

    pls see the tags for this post.

  3. hotshotdebut Says:

    I guess I was dumb not to have looked at the tags of the post. My bad.

  4. Wahaha Says:

    I guess that was cuz his family was extremely poor then and couldnt afford buying him new clothes, so he wore his sister’s clothes.

  5. ericxhj Says:

    Scare shit out of me, we can not afford another scandal…

  6. bianxiangbianqiao Says:


    “we can not afford another scandal…”
    Why not? What are you scared about?

  7. yo Says:

    lol, actually, it didn’t make sense. I think it would be more funny if the female weight lifters where actually men! 😛

  8. rex Says:


  9. John Kennedy Says:

    Charles Liu, is this what you call news? I think you’re just here to stir up shit! The Olympics is China’s chance to shine and show the world just how much progress has been made since Mao died! You just couldn’t leave bad enough alone, could you!?! Hmph!

  10. Nimrod Says:

    lol… Let’s see this as a social experiment and see if any “real” news picks up on it blindly.

  11. Charles Liu Says:


    BTW, just saw He Kexin win the uneven bar gold over Nastya Liukin (we got silver.) Anyway He’s age thing will surely flare up again. She really should be named Kelian or something like that.

  12. S.K. Cheung Says:

    If you want attention, next time try “Chinese women’s weightlifting champion actually a man”…heck, take out the weightlifting, cuz any sport inserted in that statement will still generate lots of buzz. Maybe competitors should pee in a bottle and submit a cheek swab.

  13. DJ Says:

    Charles Liu,

    Nice article. I had quite a bit fun reading it.

    I just saw the NBC broadcast of the uneven bar event in a motel room. The analyst was complaining that He’s score should have been lower than Liukin’s because He supposedly had more deductible errors. I won’t discuss that since I really don’t know much about it. But to my untrained eyes, the second Chinese athlete, with the same difficulty score, clearly had a more smooth execution and landing than Liukin’s routine. She was however scored lower and only got the bronze. Somehow that wasn’t raised at all in the telecast.

  14. Nimrod Says:

    Charles and DJ,

    Yes, it did get raised again.


    and lots more here


    Look, it’s not “tough math” and it’s not a “tied” score. One may as well argue why they throw out the highest and lowest scores.

  15. Ted Says:

    Charles Liu:

    Funny post and funny story. If the media were to pick up on the story I think it would soften others’ impressions of China a little.

    DJ & Nimrod:

    Re: Media Bias
    I think the only opinion that mattered in any of those articles was Liukin’s. She also addressed DJ’s comment about the girl in third place.

    Bloomberg: “”Is this fair? I play by the rules and so in my opinion I would have to say yes,” Liukin said. “The Chinese girl did an excellent routine and actually the girl who got third I think got a little under-scored. She did a great routine. It’s unfair to her, it’s unfair to some people, but the judges have their own opinion and there’s nothing you can do about it.””

    Kansas City Star: “Was it fair? “I play by the rules, so I have to say yes,” Liukin said. “The Chinese girl did an excellent routine. “Actually, I thought, the girl that was third was underscored.””

    Link didn’t track for me.

    P.S. Are we searching for negative media coverage on Google News? The Kansas City Star?

  16. FOARP Says:

    This report is such anti-China BS propaganda, according to my research Charles Liu has been known to communicate with US congressmen linked to the NED, my question is: what orders did Charles Liu’s anti-China paymasters send in reply?

  17. pug_ster Says:

    Even if the Chinese weightlifter was really a girl, he/she/it is going to keep it because the other men don’t want to be seen as beaten by a girl!

  18. DJ Says:

    Frankly I don’t think there is much to be complained about how NBC and other reporters approached this particular case. It’s only natural to root for the athlete of your side and feel for her near miss at the gold. I was just pointing out the fact that in doing so, there is no reason to expect such coverage to be fair and objective. They are not and should not be expected to be so.

    Liukin, on the other hand, behaved quite graciously. It was nice for her to acknowledge the second Chinese athlete, Yang Yilin.

    By the way, seeing the tiny He embracing and lifting up Yang after Yang’s excellent performance for her to wave to the audience was quite moving.

  19. pug_ster Says:

    Another thing I hate to watch on NBC is the Diving competition. They are so biased towards the Americans who can’t dive for squat yet those NBC commentators are giving them praises for them while point out mistakes of the Chinese divers. I just wish those NBC commentators would just shut up. The Chinese divers won because of all the time and hard work they put in perfecting those dives, whereas most of the American divers are diving for a College scholarships.

  20. S.K. Cheung Says:

    To compare homer bias, it would be interesting to know how CCTV commentators, or whoever is providing coverage in China, described the same competition. In the end, any sport that is “judged” will have human biases, for just like beauty, the “perfect routine” is in the eyes of the beholder. This is in contrast to quantitative sports, where, for instance, there can be no dispute that Bolt ran 100m the fastest.

  21. S.K. Cheung Says:

    To pug_ster:
    you’re not really suggesting that only Chinese divers put in their time and work hard, are you?

  22. Charles Liu Says:

    Yeah CCTV probably isn’t doing anything different than NBC; favoring ones own athelets probably is universal.

  23. Nimrod Says:

    Actually, CCTV admires foreign athletes a lot. If a Chinese favorite loses for some reason, CCTV commentators would be saying “he for some reason did not perform up to par” or “this is something we did not expect and he will have lots to think about”. I’d love to see somebody pull up an example on CCTV akin to “that European/French/Australian/Russian/Canadian judge is corrupt and must be dismissed!” “we were cheated out of a medal!”

  24. Nimrod Says:

    In fact, I don’t even like the new gymnastics scoring system. If anything, in the case of a four-judge tie, they should add back the highest-lowest judges to get a six-score average, not remove one more scores to get a three-score average. But still, the result under one system isn’t any more “unfair” than under another. If anything, chance is the most fair thing there is — if one’s beef is with human judging.

  25. JXie Says:

    Nimrod, did you follow the Chinese media after China’s men foil team closely lost the final match second time in a row in 2004? The team was billed as China’s fencing “dream team”. 2 consecutive silvers in 2000 and 2004 were hard to swallow.

    Liukin gets all my respect for what she said afterward. It reminds me of Xiong Ni after his loss to Greg Louganis in 1988. Often its not the victory but the loss that defines us.

  26. TommyBahamas Says:

    Yeah, I gotta say, Greg Louganis’ final score in 1988 was a total disgrace, and it was entirely the fault of the bias judges.

  27. S.K. Cheung Says:

    Agree with JXie. Being gracious in victory or defeat is a lost art.

  28. raffiaflower Says:

    If you choose to see a snowdrop as a hailstone, then you will of course feel the pain.
    If you denigrate artistic licence and a zeal (overly so) for perfection as fakery, then the Olympics are a travesty of party propaganda to its people, rather than a genuine occasion of self-affirmation for a country that has gone through generations of sacrifice and many years of hard work.
    Why transmute the nitpicking of envious foreign journalists into China’s woes?
    Is it woeful for Lin Miaoke? Perhaps not. Her commercial fees are reportedly to have gone up.
    For Yang Peiyi? Perhaps – but that’s due to the callousness of Western journalists, more than the cold calculation of the ceremony’s organisers.
    Woeful for Liukin, but not for China’s female gymnasts, despite the campaign to deny them the medal over the age issue.
    So that weightlifter is competing in the wrong gender category? What’s so woeful?
    Turn dross into gold by sending her/him to the Gay Games. It shows the tolerance and diversity of Chinese society. After all, China has a long tradition of cutting the sleeve and sharing the Peach.
    It all comes down to that old chestnut: whether you see your glass half-empty or half-full.

  29. pug_ster Says:

    #21 S K Cheung,

    I am not saying that only the Chinese work hard. But the training regiment of the Chinese is much more stringent and that is why they are getting more metals.

  30. Nimrod Says:


    Is it really? Maybe or maybe not. Who are we to say? The Chinese are getting more medals because there is more disposable income to spend on athletics programs, especially those bourgeoisie sports that garner lots of medals.

  31. S.K. Cheung Says:

    Well, don’t sell the Chinese short. You need talent and training to succeed at the Olympic level. Not surprising that among 1.3 billion, you’ll find trainable talent. And the Chinese training machinery is oft-discussed. But whatever the motivation, anyone who makes it to the Olympics has demonstrated incredible dedication, regardless of whether they produce a podium finish.

  32. ChinkTalk Says:

    I trust you guys more then the Canadian media – is it true that 2 seniors were sent to labour camps because they wanted to protest.


  33. Wahaha Says:


    I dont believe it is true, as 77 and 79 old can hardly work, Sending to prison would be a big trouble for jail’s guard. IF they are thrown behind bar, more likely it just keep them there till after Olympic, cuz they REPEATLY apply for permission.

    BTW, I am not trying to find excuse for chinese government, no protest at all doesnt sound good to me. But these two old persons’s repeatly applying sounds weird to me. Why didnt the report mention what they want to protest ? I wouldnt be surprised if they are Falun gong followers.

  34. Wahaha Says:

    BTW, go search Epochtime, if you find similar report, then most likely, they are Falun gong followers.

  35. admin Says:

    A more detailed report from Human Rights in China.

  36. Wahaha Says:

    “….The decision states the term will be served outside the RTL camp,…”

    So they will not work in RTL camp.

  37. Wahaha Says:

    BTW, I am confused by this HRIC report :

    On August 17, Wu and Wang each received an RTL decision dated July 30 from the RTL commission of the Beijing Municipal Government (北京市人民政府劳动教养管理委员会).

    then On August 18, Wu and Wang count still go to the Security Administration Unit AND applied for protest

    then Wu Dianyuan’s son contacted HRIC immediately.

    Sound like a trap or plot to me.

  38. Ted Says:

    I tried accessing the HRIC link three times but no luck. I also tried to visit the HRIC homepage directly, also a no go.

    Anyway, Washington Post and New York Times just released articles as well.

  39. DJ Says:

    The Washington Post report started with following:

    Two elderly women were sentenced to a year of labor re-education after they applied for permits to demonstrate during the Olympics against their 2001 eviction from their homes, according to the son of one of the would-be protesters.

  40. FOARP Says:

    @Wahaha – I see no reason to doubt the report – it matches with other reports about the parks.

  41. Dandan Says:

    And the british media picked it up too, do they all get their ‘articles’ from the same source? A human right group, more like a hearsay group to me.

  42. FOARP Says:

    All the sources point back to the relatives of the two women, there has been no official denial – something you’d expect if the reports are false.

  43. FOARP Says:

    Hua Guofeng died today as well.

  44. Dandan Says:

    The thing is the only souce is that unnamed ‘human right group’.Too little information for the time being, as no one knows exactly why those two women were penalised (if they were indeed penalised). I am with Wang Wei on this one, it’s hard to believe they got 2 years simply for applying a protest permit, got to be some other reasons as well.

    Yes, Hua passed away today. I thought he died a long time ago.

  45. Nimrod Says:


    The last few comments deserve their own topic, or at least have a better audience in the protest park post. Is there a way to quick move comments between posts?

  46. Wahaha Says:


    I am not saying Chinese government didnt do anything to them.

    I am saying : they were not sent to labor camp, not even house arrested, as they went to the Security Administration Unit later.

  47. admin Says:


    As far as I know, there is no quick way to move comments between posts except copy/paste. I may also be able to do it by playing with the database a little bit. Are you going to put up a post on this?

  48. Dandan Says:

    I see how the words got twisted. Nearly made me think that anybody who tried to apply for a protest permit is facing a 2-year labour camp re-education, as there were 70 something of them.

  49. FOARP Says:

    @Dandan – ‘Twisted words’? Give me a break! Show me one place in this report:


    where words have been ‘twisted’? If there was misunderstanding, it was yours. I should add that these two ladies could still be sent to camp if they violate the restrictions placed on them. And the point still stands – people are being punished even for applying to protest through the channels the government established for exactly that purpose, and not just by provincial authorities but by those of the capital also.

  50. Charles Liu Says:

    Foapp @ 42, “there has been no official denial ”

    There has. Read the VOA article (wow I can’t believe I’m sayting this.)

    Public security claims the RTL probation (所外执行) Wu and Wang received were for previous violation of public order (lighting fire crackers outside Zhongnanhai, equivlant of the Whitehouse or 10 Downing St.) and illegal protest (banners in Tiananmen.) Wang’s daughter confirmed this. The administrative decision was made on 7/30, according to the police.

    Would someone setting off fire cracker outside 10 Downing, in consideration of terrorism fear, not get arrested? Be honest.

  51. Wukailong Says:

    “Would someone setting off fire cracker outside 10 Downing, in consideration of terrorism fear, not get arrested? Be honest.”

    This reminds me of an old joke:
    “The young anarchists to a pedestrian: Sir! Don’t go too close to the school! We have put some firecrackers up there, and they are soon going to explode!”

  52. S.K. Cheung Says:

    They might get arrested, but I doubt they’d be doing 2 years.

  53. S.K. Cheung Says:

    BTW, nice touch by the officials to play Happy Birthday at the Bird’s Nest for Usain Bolt after he won the 200. And a classy display by the fans to serenade him with it.

  54. FOARP Says:

    Seems my comments aren’t showing up.

    Try Again –

    @Charles Liu – I was wrong

  55. FOARP Says:

    @Charles Liu – In the old days nothing would have happened, since 2005, when Blair brought in laws banning protests within the square mile (i.e., centre of London) without first notifying the police, you might get arrested, but the most you’d get is a fine. It certainly isn’t going to stop me going to Parliament Square and burning my ID card if the government goes through with its plans to launch a compulsory ID card system.

  56. Dandan Says:

    FOARP, by ‘twisted’ (just finished reading both articles properly at that point), I meant no mentioning of the previous violation bit in the Times, should have made myself clearer.
    As for other applicants, most of their cases seems to be dealt with or addressed. Whether some of them will be punished for daring to apply for a protest permit, I have to wait and see.
    By the way, anyone else having trouble with submitting a comment in the Times? Lately my comments just don’t show up there.

  57. Charles Liu Says:

    SK @ 52, please get your facts straight. They each got 1 year of RTL probation, eg. the sentence was suspended. That’s equivlant of getting a probation in the States for DUI or climbing the whitehouse fence while protesting against the war (that’s if you don’t get shot for stunts like that.)

  58. S.K. Cheung Says:

    To Charles Liu:
    my bad…maybe China is lightening up after all.

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