Oct 19

(Letter) The tragedy of China´s communication problems

Written by guest on Sunday, October 19th, 2008 at 11:10 am
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Interesting article about China communication and public relation problems


All countries, even the US, have problems projecting their image to the outer world, but China´s problems seems to run deeper, and giving its rapid rising more urgent to be addressed.

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One Response to “(Letter) The tragedy of China´s communication problems”

  1. Ted Says:

    Read “Rupert’s Adventures in China” by Bruce Dover. Looking past Rupert Murdoch’s story, you can glean some interesting insights about the recent modernization of the Chinese Media. Basically, PR in a modern sense didn’t exist in China until about 10 years ago and China didn’t begin to manage its international image until they won the bid to host the Olympics.

    Everyone’s on a steep learning curve at the moment. Just look at how the milk companies (mis)managed the recent scandal.

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