Oct 12

Chinese Air Force Airline

Written by chorasmian on Sunday, October 12th, 2008 at 9:22 am
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I think most of you have the experience with flight.  Do you know the Air Force service is available in China?  Part of the post is translated follow:

Captain in the intercom:”Comrade.  Usually it would take more than 2 hours to Beijing.  However, we are in hurry today.  We will make it faster, and arrive at Beijing within 2 hours.  Any comment?”

inside 01inside 02inside 03after landing
Look that grannie, she seems really enjoy this “air-bus”.

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6 Responses to “Chinese Air Force Airline”

  1. RMBWhat Says:

    LOL… That’s like riding the train with ying4 zuo4 ticket…

    What if they decided to go vomit comet on you ass?

    Fly… Fly away…

  2. ecodelta Says:

    And I thought that Ryanair and Easyjet had cheap service. How much was the ticket?

  3. bt Says:

    waaaah … must be something 🙂

  4. Oli Says:


    reminded me when I flew in an ancient PLA Russian made AN-26/30 turboprops from Beijing to Huhehaote, Inner Mongolia., in the 1980’s. A once in a lifetime never to be repeated experience.

    No longer remember which was more unsettling, the takeoff, the landing or the inbetween.

  5. S.K. Cheung Says:

    That is hilarious! On the bright side, i’m guessing you won’t have to listen to a flight attendant explaining to you the finer points of a seatbelt. And keeping your tray table in the upright and locked position doesn’t look to be much of an issue either.

  6. Marcos Lima Says:

    A população da China é de +/-, eles fazem milagre com o PIB que tem, ou é competencia, sistema politico justo para a maioria?.
    The population of China is + / – 1200000000, they are miracle with GDP that has, or is competition, fair political system for most?.

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