Aug 24

It is said that the Beijing Olympics was a big draw, perhaps proving the adage that no publicity is bad publicity. Did the worldwide protests before the Olympics ironically serve as a big advertisement for the Beijing Olympics? And now that a record number of people have watched the Olympics, what have they learned about China?
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Aug 24

Just saw a China-related Post Secret (I swear it’s not mine! 😉 ). Continue reading »

Aug 24

For a change of topic from the Olympics, please check out two recent discussion threads at Talking Point Memo: “Out of Mao’s Shadow” and its followup “Do not underestimate the CCP”. Continue reading »

Aug 24

minipost-(Letter) China Observed

Written by: guest | Filed under:-guest-posts, -mini-posts | Tags:
4 Comments » newest

I have just started reading your blog and have found it informative and interesting, especially as to the Olympics. In the interest of international cross-cultural exchange and helpfulness, I venture the following inquiry. Continue reading »

Aug 24

The answer is “whichever way that looks good on us”.

The Olympics simply won’t allow me to go back to work. Came across this cute piece on backchina.com (Chinese source). Here is my rough translation. Continue reading »

Aug 24

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