Aug 01
(Letter) Why Has ‘China Bashing’ Become So Popular?
Written by guest on Friday, August 1st, 2008 at 9:05 pm
Filed under:-mini-posts | Tags:olympics, report
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Filed under:-mini-posts | Tags:olympics, report
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Alan Miller of Huffington Post explains the rise in negative reporting on China, and the bigger picture beyond the Olympics.
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August 1st, 2008 at 10:20 pm
China has come to represent our most intensified fears, of runaway eco-destruction, rampant consumerism and unfettered expansion … Perfect example of “seeing the speck in others eyes and missing the log in ones’ own eye.”
Bashing China will not help us feel better about ourselves — and will only entrench an unhealthy outlook — while doing absolutely nothing to aid any democratic developments in China. It is time we stopped with this pc-version of western moral superiority and conducted our discussions about China in a somewhat more balanced manner….That’ll be the day. These “KIll them all and let God sort ’em out” bunch of fearmongers. As they like to say, “It’s easier to ask for forgiveness later than to get permission in the first place.”
August 1st, 2008 at 10:50 pm
Looking forward to the Next 4 years of UK bashing … now this one is the father of all lies.
August 1st, 2008 at 6:39 pm Charles Liu Says: @Anon, I’ll take the “the Games is not helping the poor” point…….Did the Atlanta Games help the poor? Housing projects where torn down, homeless people were arrested, poverty among African Americans were hidden from the visitors. Is that helping the poor? What hypocrisy that we are faulting China now:
“Atlanta’s Olympic Legacy: More Poverty, Less Freedom”
The same thing happened during Sydney:
August 1st, 2008 at 11:45 pm
I think someone has already mentioned before that even though a lot of the unpleasent of China is in a sense not that new, but since the attention is coming due to Olympics…it’s not a surprise why there will be much noise surrounding it. On the other hand, what happens afterwards could be another matter. Maybe.
August 2nd, 2008 at 12:01 am
TB, feel free to take it up with Center On Housing Rights and Evictions, ABC Australia…
August 2nd, 2008 at 12:55 am
@Charles Liu – Errrmmm . . . Random guess . . . . Because the Chinese government arranged a sporting event which 22,000+ foreign journos have been invited to only to discover (Shock! Horror!) that some sites were blocked at the media centre . . . . which it now seems have been unblocked.
As for US politicians, if they weren’t going after China for “stealing jobs”, they would be going after NAFTA or the EU.
August 2nd, 2008 at 1:29 am
China basher he might be, but that Ai Weiwei does certainly have a mouth on him:
August 2nd, 2008 at 3:33 am
Charles Liu,
There are some people trying to get their 3 minutes under the sun. After Olympics, no one will notice them, so they have all come out of the woodwork before the Olympics. After 2 weeks, we will have a quieter time.
August 2nd, 2008 at 2:07 pm
One might ask the question why “China Boosting” become so popular.
August 2nd, 2008 at 2:49 pm
AiWeiWei is a nutjob and jerk in noway he’s ” one of China’s most influential intellectuals”, but hes right this time.
August 2nd, 2008 at 4:21 pm
Theo, great question. I for one would not have felt the need to defend a billion people who are voiceless in my society, had our media not painted China in such a negative, unreal tone.
In effect these China-bashing has not only generated the backlash, and support for the Chinese government domestically, they also elicited sympathy and alternative voice to the “mainstream views” maintained by our military-industrial-media-complex in America.
August 4th, 2008 at 3:49 pm
Is Ai Weiwei trying to get a share of the credit on the Bird’s Nest? He seemed to be a consultant for the project, but on official papers, he is not credited for anything. See following (from
Design consortium:
Herzog & de Meuron Architekten AG
China Architectural Design and Research Group.
In new articles based on interviews with him, it hinted he had a more prominent role in the design. But it is not recognized officially. Ai is famous for his antics to draw attention. Once he dropped some precious pottery on film.
August 4th, 2008 at 5:37 pm
I’m more suspicious now that NYT calls Ai Weiwei “Bird’s Nest Designer”
August 5th, 2008 at 3:32 am
This NYT article named different designers for the Bird’s Nest:
“Designed by the Swiss architects Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron, the stadium lives up to its aspiration as a global landmark. Its elliptical latticework shell, which has earned it the nickname Bird’s Nest, has an intoxicating beauty that lingers in the imagination. Its allure is only likely to deepen once the enormous crowds disperse and the Olympic Games fade into memory.”
August 5th, 2008 at 6:16 am
Beyong China-Bashing, by Fareed Zakaria
‘China bashing is not just a right-wing phenomenon. The left-of-center New
Republic ran a cover story last month with the headline, “Meet the New
China (Same as the Old).” Inside, the magazine thundered that “our ultimate
solidarity” should lie not with the “odious government” in Beijing but “the
billion long-suffering men and women of the world’s largest dictatorship.”
Except that Chinese people (who, by the way, number 1.3 billion, not 1
billion) seem to disagree. About the same time as the New Republic hit the
stands, the Pew Research Center released the findings of its 2008 Global
Attitudes Survey. Of the 24 countries surveyed, the Chinese people
expressed the highest level of support for the direction in which their
country was heading — 86 percent. Nearly two out of three said the
government was doing a good job on issues that mattered to them. The survey
questioned more than 3,212 Chinese, face to face, in 16 dialects across the
country. And while it could be argued that people might not speak freely to
pollsters in China, there are many indications that these numbers express
something real. Such polls have been done for years, and the numbers
approving of the Chinese government have risen as the economy has grown (as
should be expected).’