Apr 14

Oh, boy, these days it’s dangerous to have a pro-Chinese government view on the Internet, even if you genuinely believe it, out of your own volition, and volunteer such sentiment freely, without acceptiong a 50 cent pittance.

Here, you can see Rebecca MacCannon just expaned the definition of “Fifty Cent Party” to include those “paid or who volunteer to post pro-government opinions”

Wow! How dare they! Like I said, heaven forbid any Chinese should have a different opinion of their own government than us American.

Jul 23

Commentators paid by the Chinese government to influence public opinion on-line may have fueled the latest protest against Fox, says an insider at one Blog site. Rumors of Fox News anti-black message traveled quickly across the Internet, and has even garnered attention from celeberities.

According the this source, after the alleged success of inciting a major incident over CNN’s Jack Cafferty, there may have been a number of cases where the Fifty Cent Party also lit the fire on Fox News protest.