Jan 15

(If this one by General Song Zuying Mr. Sha Baoliang gives you goose bumps, visit here for an earlier version of the same song)

In America, I haven’t seen anybody getting married without an exchange of vows that goes something like this: “I, (Bride / Groom), take you (Groom / Bride), to be my (wife / husband), to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part. “

Traditionally Chinese wedding does not have such formal vows.  The newly-weds just have three bows during a wedding, usually announced by a wedding host:  “First, bow to the heaven and earth; second, bow to the parents; third, bow to each other!”  Continue reading »

Jan 15

Here’re few headlines in Chinese media regarding Haiti earthquake:

中国国际救援队抵达海地太子港 – China International Rescue Reaches Port Au Prince

中国国际救援队在海地开展医疗救助 – China International Rescue Mission Begin Medical Aid

基础设施无法使用 海地震后救援面临巨大挑战 – Basic Services Lacking, Haiti Rescuers Face Daunting Challenge

中国8名在海地被埋维和人员下落不明 – Eight Peacekeepers In Haiti Remain Unaccounted

海地地震伤亡仍无法估计 全国1/3人口需紧急援助 – Haiti Quake Casualty Mounting, 1/3 Population Need Emergency Aid

郑州小姑娘捐稿费给海地灾民 – Zhengzhou Girl Donates Allowance To Haiti Victims

Here’s how how you can help.