May 16

The Terrified Monks

Written by: Buxi | Filed under:Analysis | Tags:, , ,
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Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times is traveling in Xiahe, Gansu. (We can safely assume his trip isn’t within the past week, or otherwise he would’ve been within a few hundred miles of the earthquake’s epicenter.)

The editorial adds little that is new to the discussion. It is a reiteration of monks claiming that they were assaulted while arrested, which correlated with a military presence, is finally translated into a “harsh crackdown”. The editorial ends with this line:

China is emerging as a great power in this century, and it is famously concerned with saving face. But it loses far more face from its own repression of Tibetans than from anything the Dalai Lama has ever done.

Kristof suggests on his blog that many Chinese will be outraged by the editorial, and invites comments. Mine are repeated here.

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May 16

This poem comes from an editor at Taiwan’s China Post.

Child - Reaching for his backpack

My dearest Daddy and Mommy:

I’m sorry! Today, I won’t be home on time.

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