Nov 10

minipost-Where are the theaters?

Written by: chinajon | Filed under:-guest-posts, -mini-posts, culture | Tags:
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This is my first post. 😀

I saw a few movie theaters in Shenzhen, but compared to other places I have been, and to the number of people who are in China, I would think that movie theaters would be a booming business. Making movies is a long standing actiity in China.

Hong Kong makes a lot of movies.

So, I put the question:

Why are there so few movie theaters?


Jun 17

Maimaiti’s 2008

Written by: Buxi | Filed under:culture | Tags:, , ,
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Today’s news is that the Olympic torch has arrived in Xinjiang province. As widely reported in the Western press, the Xinjiang government encouraged people to watch at home on TV due to security concerns. In addition to schools and offices that organized groups to support the torch, many private Chinese still chose to come on the streets. Tianya has reports from some excited eyewitnesses.

In honor of the torch’s visit to Xinjiang, let me introduce a domestic movie that combines three of our favorite topics: football, Olympics, and minorities! Maimaiti’s 2008 is a movie about a group of kids in Turfan, on the edge of the Taklamakan desert. In order to inspire them, their young football coach Maimaiti tells them a little lie: a win in the district finals will translate into a visit to the Opening Ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics.

Here’s the trailer:

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