Apr 13

Recently GVO’s Oiwan Lam accused the Chinese government of hiding figures and names of the 512 quake victims.

But few searches on Baidu.com seem to contradict GVO’s claims:

1) In the aftermath, casualty figures have been regularily updated and published by various government agencies including hospitals

2) As result, many media outlets in China have been able to create reportings dedicated to the disaster. For examples Sina, qq, 163, including casualty figures and name lists, and missing persons resource.

3) Ai Weiwei’s victim list isn’t new. Many of the quake victim’s names can also be found in the media and government domain as public records. For examples (.gov.cn):

Hsu Tsong徐聪, Jian Chin江倩, Dong Yang董洋, Lan Tsen Dong兰成栋, Liao Jiping廖礼平

4) According to a 11/21/08 press conference, a Sichuan deputy govenor stated student casualty figure is still being verified, and the November 19,065 casualty figure is but the 1st of many updates.

IMHO these evidence seem to suggest the accusation GVO is promotion lacks factual basis.