Jul 20

(This is excerpted from: Tianjin’s “Old Hundred Names” on the Olympics)

Here’s what some of our neighbours and others from our daily routines in the city think about the Olympics. I asked them, “What do the Olympics means to Chinese people?” (奥运会对中国人有什么意义?) and “Why are they doing so much preparation?” (我听说中国为了奥运会作很多准备。为什么是这样?)

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Jul 11

[原贴 Original Post]

总结 Francesco Sisci 的 “看法:八国高峰会到底想要中国的汇率人民币怎样”


你不觉的这些让你想起那个说法么? “小心你许什么愿,它或许真会实现。”