Apr 14

The latest news clip on the disaster.

Some older clips following the jump.
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Jan 15

Here’re few headlines in Chinese media regarding Haiti earthquake:

中国国际救援队抵达海地太子港 – China International Rescue Reaches Port Au Prince

中国国际救援队在海地开展医疗救助 – China International Rescue Mission Begin Medical Aid

基础设施无法使用 海地震后救援面临巨大挑战 – Basic Services Lacking, Haiti Rescuers Face Daunting Challenge

中国8名在海地被埋维和人员下落不明 – Eight Peacekeepers In Haiti Remain Unaccounted

海地地震伤亡仍无法估计 全国1/3人口需紧急援助 – Haiti Quake Casualty Mounting, 1/3 Population Need Emergency Aid

郑州小姑娘捐稿费给海地灾民 – Zhengzhou Girl Donates Allowance To Haiti Victims

Here’s how how you can help.

Aug 17

From August 6-9, southern Taiwan was hit with the worst typhoon in 50 years. Per the Associated Press story:

“Morakot dumped more than 80 inches (two meters) of rain on the island last weekend and stranded thousands in villages in the mountainous south. A total of 15,400 villagers have been ferried to safety, and rescuers are working to save another 1,900 people. The storm destroyed the homes of 7,000 people and caused agricultural and property damage in excess of 50 billion New Taiwan dollars ($1.5 billion), Ma told the security conference.”

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Aug 17

Information on charity assistance to Typhoon Morakot victims in Taiwan (from TECRO forwarded by Charles Liu):
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