Dec 15

(Letter) Ethics of Chinese Government

Written by miaka9383 on Monday, December 15th, 2008 at 9:38 pm
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The post “Is there a moral crisis in China?” made me curious about couple of “Ethical” or “Moral” issues that is going on in China that is being talked about in the rest of the world.

Morals have different standards with different countries and cultures. But with the world becoming more flat, these moral/ethical issues are being talk about today.

In my Ethics class I need to write a research paper on anything ethical issues and I thought I’d write it on China, specifically on Governmental Control of the Internet(The Great Wall), and how the Chinese government can freely tap your phone calls and monitor whatever you do on the internet and have access to your personal information.
By American Standards that is a violation of our Privacy Rights ergo by American standards, it is unethical… But how about in China… is it considered unethical for the government to do so?

I am curious on what are your opinions on this issue?
And please indicate if it is ok if I use you as a source in my paper…

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