Apr 22

Mainland Chinese students can’t attend Universities in Taiwan?

Written by guest on Thursday, April 22nd, 2010 at 3:24 am
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Taiwanese Students studying in China is hardly a controversy, so much so that China doesn’t consider them as well as Hong Kong Students as “foreign.” So as a goodwill gesture between KMT and Beijing to allow Students from the Mainland to go to China, it has been met with some opposition from the DPP. Considering that there is such a shortage of students in Taiwan that they are considering to shut down some universities and this will help with Taiwan’s economy, this move by the DPP is like shooting themselves in the foot.

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One Response to “Mainland Chinese students can’t attend Universities in Taiwan?”

  1. A Taiwanese working in Europe Says:

    We had some unpleasant encounters with disrespectful pro-China students attacking our country. Why do they come to study to Taiwan, if they hate how we live?

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